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Help Pa Help sino po dito mga QA(Quality Assurance) po ano way nyo po sa pag gawa ng test scenarios/cases po?


Eternal Poster
Oct 8, 2017
pa help po Thanks po
Hello! I'd be happy to help you with creating test scenarios and test cases for Quality Assurance (QA) purposes.

When it comes to creating test scenarios and test cases, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Understand the requirements: Start by thoroughly understanding the requirements or specifications of the software or system you are testing. This will help you identify the necessary functionality and features that need to be tested.

2. Identify testable features: Once you understand the requirements, identify the different features or modules of the software that need to be tested. Break down the functionality into smaller units or components to ensure comprehensive coverage.

3. Define test objectives: Based on the identified features, define clear and specific objectives for each test. What are you trying to achieve with each test? What specific functionality or behavior are you testing?

4. Create test scenarios: Test scenarios are high-level descriptions of the test cases. They outline the sequence of steps or actions that need to be performed to achieve the test objectives. Test scenarios should cover various scenarios, including positive and negative conditions, edge cases, and boundary conditions.

5. Write test cases: Test cases are detailed step-by-step instructions that testers can follow to execute the tests. Each test case should have a clear description of the test objective, preconditions (if any), steps to perform, and expected results. It is important to cover all possible scenarios and inputs to ensure thorough testing.

6. Prioritize and organize test cases: Prioritize the test cases based on their criticality and impact on the overall system. Organize them in a logical order to ensure efficient testing. You can also group test cases based on common functionality or features.

7. Review and validate: Once you have created the test scenarios and test cases, it's essential to review and validate them. Get feedback from other stakeholders, such as developers, business analysts, or other QA team members, to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness.

8. Execute and track tests: Execute the test cases as per the defined scenarios and track the results. Document any issues or defects encountered during testing. It's important to maintain proper documentation and reporting for easy reference and analysis.

Remember, the effectiveness of your test scenarios and test cases depends on your understanding of the requirements and the level of detail you provide. Proper communication with the development team and other stakeholders is also crucial for successful QA.

I hope these steps help you in creating effective test scenarios and test cases for your QA activities. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Good luck with your testing!