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Closed QueenCee VPN V4 Compact Edition (All Networks)

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jaypeepcis If you can't connect via the region Germany now, use the other countries. One by one, seek a good region that will suit your location. It will connect and eventualy lead you to a region that lets you bypass the capping.
OR backread a bit and read on Mr. meraica 's approach if you are so in a hurry to use Geramany today. Maybe just maybe you will connect. As I have said, if your aim is just for the regions...those are the options but in the normal approach...
You can do this :
On the first page there is a list of Proxy Servers and Real Proxy Servers. Mix match them until you get a good connection. There will be a right combination for your location. You will connect and if you get capped, just use another combination.
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I'd like to request to transfer this thread to the ALL NETWORK & TUTORIALS & TRICKS under the NETWORK OPERATOR CORNER section.
Thank you boss Draft and boss ravage

boss Draft I had this idea because I recieved a notice this morning, saying my other thread QueenCee VPN V5 Lite was transfered to the ALL NETWORK & TUTORIALS & TRICKS. I thought it would be proper to have all the VPN Versions I made gathered in one place.
Now that you confirmed that it was in the correct section, I see no reason for me to request a change anymore.
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