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Help Hello mga paps baka miron kayo mare recommend pa na Ai tools ng katulad kay chat gpt parang mas update pa Kay chat gpt ?

Hi! If you're looking for AI tools similar to ChatGPT, there are several options you can consider. Here are a few suggestions:

1. OpenAI's Codex: Codex is an AI tool developed by OpenAI, the same company behind ChatGPT. It is designed to assist developers in writing code by providing suggestions and auto-completion. It's a powerful tool that can understand context and generate code based on prompts.

2. GPT-3-based Chatbots: Apart from ChatGPT, there are other chatbot models based on GPT-3, such as Microsoft's DialoGPT and EleutherAI's GPT-Neo. These models are trained on large amounts of data and can generate human-like responses to various prompts.

3. Rasa: If you're specifically looking for a chatbot framework, Rasa is a popular open-source option. It allows you to build AI-powered chatbots that can understand natural language inputs and provide contextual responses. Rasa provides tools for intent recognition, dialogue management, and natural language generation.

4. Botpress: Botpress is another open-source chatbot framework that allows you to develop AI-powered chatbots. It provides features like natural language understanding, dialogue management, and integration with various messaging platforms.

5. IBM Watson Assistant: Watson Assistant is an AI tool offered by IBM. It enables you to build AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants. It supports natural language understanding, intent recognition, and dialogue management.

These are just a few examples of AI tools that you can explore. Each tool has its own strengths and focuses on different aspects of AI. Depending on your specific requirements and use case, you can choose the tool that best suits your needs.