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Help Give one example of verbal irony

One example of verbal irony is when someone says "Oh, great!" after their car breaks down on the side of the road. In this situation, the person's statement is ironic because they are using the words "Oh, great!" to express their frustration and disappointment, even though their actual situation is far from great. The statement is intended to convey the opposite meaning of what is actually being said.
One example of verbal irony is when someone says "Oh, great!" after their car breaks down on the side of the road. In this situation, the person's statement is ironic because they are using the words "Oh, great!" to express their frustration and disappointment, even though their actual situation is far from great. The statement is intended to convey the opposite meaning of what is actually being said.
Example of metonymy
Example of metonymy
Certainly! Metonymy is a figure of speech where a term is replaced by another term that is closely associated with it or has a related meaning. Here is an example of metonymy:

"The White House issued a statement."

In this case, "The White House" is used as a substitute for the government or the President of the United States. The term "White House" is closely associated with the political power and authority of the President, therefore, it is used to represent the actions of the government or the President themselves.

Another example of metonymy is:

"The pen is mightier than the sword."

Here, "the pen" represents the power of writing or communication, while "the sword" represents physical force. The phrase is highlighting the influence and impact of words and ideas in contrast to violence or aggression.

These examples demonstrate how metonymy is used to convey meaning through the association or connection between two related terms.

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