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Trivia When To Eat Banana?

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017

Green Banana
Referred to as “resistant” starch, this nutrient makes your digestive system work a little harder. It's also the reason why green bananas seem to fill you up so quickly. I must warn you; however, the starch in green bananas can also make you feel gassy or bloated.
If you’re looking for a banana that’s lower on the glycemic index, go for a green one. Eventually, your body will break this starch down into glucose. This way, green bananas will raise blood sugar levels slowly. The trade-off here is taste. Green bananas can be bitter, as they contain less sugar in every bite.

Yellow Banana

Say goodbye to starch and hello to sugar.Yellow bananas are more developed when it comes to antioxidants. Your immune system will definitely appreciate a yellow banana.

Spotted Bananas

These bananas are older, wiser and sweeter. Not only do brown spots show that a banana has aged, but they also indicate how much starch has been converted to sugar. Ultimately, the greater number of brown spots a banana has, the more sugar it contains. You can also view brown spots as tiny immune system boosters. Spotted bananas are so rich in antioxidants that they have been linked to cancer prevention. Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), which functions to destroy tumors, is linked to those brown dots. So if you thought brown spotted bananas were bad, you may want to reevaluate.

Brown Bananas

Well, it’s practically all sugar now.Just as the starch has broken down into sugar, chlorophyll has taken a new form as well. This breakdown of chlorophyll is the reason why antioxidant levels increase as bananas age. So a fully brown banana is an antioxidant powerhouse.

So to conclude it ,it really depends on what benefits you're looking for. If you're searching for a snack that is low in sugar and will fill you up quickly, lean towards the green variety. If easily digestible antioxidants are your goal, yellow or spotted bananas are the way to go. Finally, brown bananas are the ideal pick for a healthy alternative that will satisfy your sweet tooth.

paraphrase and excerpt from Spoonuniversity


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