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Eternal Poster
Sep 18, 2019
The annual Electric Capital Developer Report was released yesterday and it is packed with great insights. The team “fingerprinted nearly 500K code repositories and 160 million code commits across Web3 to create the You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now..”

Below you can find five of the most interesting graphics and charts, along with commentary, but I highly suggest you read the You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.. A good place to start is with the report’s executive summary:

Web3 developers are at an all-time high and growing faster than ever.

  • 18,000+ monthly active developers commit code in open source crypto and Web3 projects
  • 34,000+ new developers committed code in 2021 — the highest in history
  • 4,000+ monthly active open-source developers work on Ethereum, 680+ open-source developers work on Bitcoin
  • 20%+ of new Web3 developers join the Ethereum ecosystem
  • 65% of active developers in Web3 joined in 2021; 45% of full-time developers in Web3 joined in 2021
There are several vibrant ecosystems emerging beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum.

  • The largest ecosystems are Ethereum, Bitcoin, Polkadot, Cosmos, Solana, BSC, NEAR, Avalanche, Tezos, Polygon, and Cardano, each with 250+ monthly active developers

  • Polkadot, Solana, NEAR, BSC, Avalanche, and Terra are growing faster than Ethereum did at similar points in its history

  • 2,500+ developers are working on DeFi projects. Less than 1,000 full-time developers are responsible for over $100 billion in total value locked in smart contracts

The growth of developers in Web3 has been record-breaking, but still represents a small, and rapidly expanding percent of software engineers globally. We are still in the early innings of Web3.

The sheer growth of the developer ecosystem is breathtaking. Technical talent is flocking to the digital frontier at an accelerating pace and they don’t seem to be leaving the industry when the price of assets draws down.

The major ecosystems of Bitcoin and Ethereum still dominate the developer community, both in terms of aggregate number of developers and development activity. There are more developers joining non-Bitcoin or Ethereum communities today, but the majority still gravitate towards the two largest asset ecosystems.

Bitcoin’s developer community is adding about 100 new developers per month. Not all of these are retained over time, but the monthly average growth of new developers highlights healthy top of funnel developer growth.

Ethereum is the second largest asset in the crypto market and it has the largest developer ecosystem by a sizable margin. Approximately 20-25% of all developers who join the web3 industry are initially working on Ethereum-related projects.

The fastest growth in developer activity is happening in the long tail of asset ecosystems. Some of this is due to the base effect of low previous developer activity, but a good portion of it is also related to the influx of new developers into these areas of the industry.

One of the most interesting takeaways from the developer report is that Polkadot, Solana, NEAR, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Terra are all growing faster than Ethereum previously did. The data point is somewhat counter to the mainstream narrative, but it is worth watching to see if it holds over time.

Another important part of this analysis is that these new ecosystems benefit from Bitcoin and Ethereum having blazed a trail for them.

Similar to how mobile app growth benefitted from internet penetration globally, these new crypto communities are the beneficiaries of the progress made over the last decade. This isn’t a good or bad thing. It is just how technology development and innovation happens.

The You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. is incredibly high signal. If you have the time, I suggest reading through the entire thing. Hope each of you has a great start to your day. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.


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