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Help The relationship between online Mobile Games and academic Performance

The hypothesis for the relationship between online mobile games and academic performance could be stated as follows:

There is a negative correlation between the amount of time spent playing online mobile games and academic performance among students.
Hypothesis complex
Certainly! Here's a more complex version of the hypothesis:

The hypothesis is that there is a negative relationship between the frequency and duration of online mobile game usage and various aspects of academic performance, including grades, test scores, time management skills, and overall academic engagement. It is expected that students who spend more time playing online mobile games will have lower grades, lower test scores, poorer time management skills, and less overall engagement in their academic pursuits compared to students who spend less time or no time playing these games. Additionally, it is hypothesized that the negative impact of online mobile game usage on academic performance will be more pronounced among students who have a higher level of dependency and addiction to these games, as well as those who do not have effective strategies for balancing their gaming activities with their academic responsibilities.

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