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Review of Related literature, Methodology, Review of related studies, introduction and background of the study, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, scope and delimitations, Research Design, Research Instrument
Review of Related Literature:

The review of related literature is an important component of any research study as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the existing knowledge and research on the topic. In the case of the impact of time management on working students' academic achievements, the review of related literature would involve examining studies that have explored the relationship between time management and academic performance, particularly for working students.

Some key areas to consider in the review of related literature could include:

1. Time management techniques: This section could focus on various time management techniques that have been identified in the literature, such as goal setting, prioritization, scheduling, and task management.

2. Impact on academic performance: Here, the literature could be reviewed to understand how effective time management practices have been found to positively influence academic performance in general. This could include studies that have examined the relationship between time management and GPA, exam scores, and overall academic achievement.

3. Challenges faced by working students: This section could explore the unique challenges faced by working students in managing their time effectively. It could include factors such as multiple commitments, work-related stress, and time constraints.

4. Factors influencing time management: This part could focus on the various factors that can influence a working student's ability to manage their time effectively. This could include personal factors like motivation and self-discipline, as well as environmental factors such as support systems, work schedules, and availability of resources.


The methodology section of the research study outlines the specific research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques that will be employed to address the research objectives. In the case of the impact of time management on working students' academic achievements, the methodology could involve the following:

1. Research Design: The research design could be quantitative or qualitative, depending on the specific research questions and objectives. A quantitative approach may involve surveying a sample of working students to gather data on their time management practices and academic achievements, while a qualitative approach could involve in-depth interviews or focus groups to explore the experiences and perceptions of working students.

2. Sample Selection: The selection of the sample would involve identifying a representative group of working students who can provide insights into the research topic. The sample size and selection criteria should be clearly defined to ensure the validity and generalizability of the findings.

3. Data Collection: The data collection methods could include surveys, interviews, focus groups, or a combination of these approaches. Surveys could be administered online or in-person and should include questions related to time management practices, academic performance, and any other relevant variables.

4. Data Analysis: The collected data would be analyzed using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques, depending on the research design. Quantitative data could be analyzed using statistical software to identify correlations or relationships between time management practices and academic achievements. Qualitative data, on the other hand, would be analyzed through thematic analysis to identify recurring themes and patterns.

Review of Related Studies:

The review of related studies would involve examining previous research studies that have investigated the impact of time management on academic achievements among working students. This section would highlight the key findings, methodologies, and limitations of these studies. It would provide a context for the current research study and help identify any gaps or limitations in existing literature that the current study aims to address.

Introduction and Background of the Study:

The introduction and background of the study provide an overview of the research topic, its significance, and the rationale for conducting the study. This section would typically include a clear statement of the research problem, the research objectives, and the research questions. It would also provide a brief overview of the current state of knowledge on the topic, highlighting the gaps in existing literature that the study aims to fill.

Theoretical Framework:

The theoretical framework provides a conceptual underpinning for the study by drawing on relevant theories and concepts from existing literature. In the case of the impact of time management on working students' academic achievements, the theoretical framework could draw on theories related to time management, such as the Time Management Matrix by Stephen Covey or the Self-Determination Theory by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan. The theoretical framework would help guide the research design and data analysis by providing a theoretical lens through which to interpret the findings.

Conceptual Framework:

The conceptual framework outlines the key concepts, variables, and relationships that will be examined in the study. In the case of the impact of time management on working students' academic achievements, the conceptual framework could include variables such as time management practices, academic performance, work-related stress, and personal factors like motivation and self-discipline. The conceptual framework would help guide the development of the research instruments and data collection process.

Scope and Delimitations:

The scope and delimitations section defines the boundaries of the study by specifying what will be included and excluded. This could include specifying the population or sample size, the timeframe of the study, and any other specific limitations or constraints that may impact the generalizability of the findings. It is important to clearly communicate the scope and limitations of the study to ensure transparency and validity.

Research Design:

The research design section outlines the specific approach and procedures that will be used to address the research objectives. It includes a description of the research design, sample selection, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques, as discussed earlier in the methodology section.

Research Instrument:

The research instrument refers to the tool or questionnaire that will be used to collect data from the participants. In the case of the impact of time management on working students' academic achievements, the research instrument could be a survey questionnaire that includes questions related to time management practices, academic performance, and other relevant factors. The research instrument should be carefully designed to ensure that it collects valid and reliable data and is aligned with the research objectives.