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Honorary Poster
Jul 1, 2015
In this writing of mine, I would discuss the four (4) main types of häçkers based on level of proficiency/skill and characteristics/behavior. Have fun.

- Also known as the noobs or newbies of "the game." I typically hate the stereotypical for a number of reasons. Mainly because the generation of acript kiddies our society has aren't that anonymous anymore. Let alone knowledgeable in the field they are trying to use to impress their friends with. Script kiddies are also well known for using scripts, tools, programs and methods formulated and created by other häçkers for their own doings, hence the name. Which is a bad thing sometimes. For the creations of other people made for good are sometimes used for an exploit for the bad. Still, everyone needs to be a script kiddie once in their life. Everybody needs a place to start, a time to learn the basics.

From here, once the script kiddie learns the basics? He/She has the choice between 2 paths, or is it just two?

- Also known as the cybercriminals. People that use their skill for malicious intent, for committing crimes online. They are the ones responsible for actions such as: s†éáling (may it be money or data), Attacking (may it be through infection or brute force of a system) and Protecting (websites that host/sell îllégâl stuff such as drugs, "candies" and services.) Black Hat häçkers are usually dubbed as Cyberterrorists too, with some still spending time behind bars or blacklisted from their own countries up to this day. häçkers that fall into this classification are the second main reason why the world of häçking has this bad image to some people, next to the fake stories of "aspiring/pseudo häçkers" of course.

- Also known as Testers, the white blood cells of the game. Licensed experts when it comes to checking whether a system has a weakness or whether a program has an entry point that can be used for exploitation. Basically, White Hat häçkers improve security and fix bugs. To safeguard stuff of importance from the hands of the wrong people. The only difference a White Hat has from a Black Hat is this whole concept known as "ethics and morals." Which is the main reason why Black Hats and White Hats would always have a conflict when it comes to häçking.

But what about the people that are neither purely for the good nor the bad? Well, like the writings of The Unpopular Writer PH? The classifications of häçkers have a gray area.

4. GRAY HAT häçkERS.
- Also known as the Neutral häçkers, the people that häçk in between. The häçkers that can play both offensively and defensively depending on what the situation calls for. Gray Hat häçkers explore too much information. To the point where they exploit weaknesses, break into databases, attack websites, protect valuable information and strengthen systems all at the same time. They are also well known for being the liquid form of häçkers. Taking the shape of whatever container it is poured into. Highly flexible but less reliable at some point.

There are more types of häçkers out there, but these are the 4 main types. So, which one are you then? Next time, I would talk about these other classifications even more. Until then? Stay anonymous and safe, everyone.

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