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Help Sources of Pollution in water quality

Water quality can be impacted by a variety of sources of pollution, including:

1. Industrial waste: Factories and manufacturing facilities often release chemicals and other pollutants into nearby water sources.

2. Agricultural practices: Fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals used on crops can run off into nearby rivers and streams, leading to water pollution.

3. Sewage and wastewater discharge: Sewage treatment plants and other facilities can release sewage and wastewater into nearby water sources, leading to contamination.

4. Oil s*****: Accidental or intentional oil s***** can release large amounts of oil into bodies of water, causing significant harm to aquatic life and ecosystems.

5. Stormwater runoff: Rainwater and other precipitation can pick up pollutants from roads, parking lots, and other areas and carry them into nearby water sources.

6. Household and personal care products: Chemicals from cleaning supplies, personal care products, and other household items can often end up in water sources through improper disposal or use.

7. Landfills and solid waste disposal sites: Landfills and other waste disposal facilities can release harmful chemicals and other pollutants into nearby water sources.

Overall, it is important to address and mitigate these sources of pollution in order to protect and preserve water quality for future generations.

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