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Help Ruijie ew1200g Pro

Yes, there are several tutorials available that can guide you through the process of configuring VLAN on the Ruijie ew1200g Pro.

Here is a step-by-step guide to configuring VLAN on the Ruijie ew1200g Pro:

1. Connect to the Ruijie ew1200g Pro using a web browser by entering the default IP address (usually into the address bar.

2. Log in to the router's administration interface using the default username and password (usually admin/admin).

3. Once logged in, navigate to the "Network" or "LAN" settings section.

4. Look for the VLAN settings option. It may be labeled as "VLAN" or "VLAN Configuration."

5. Click on the VLAN settings option to access the VLAN configuration page.

6. On the VLAN configuration page, you will see a list of available VLANs. By default, there may be only one VLAN (usually VLAN 1) configured.

7. To create a new VLAN, click on the "Add" or "New" button. Enter the VLAN ID and a descriptive name for the VLAN.

8. After creating the VLAN, you will need to assign ports to it. Select the VLAN from the list and click on the "Edit" or "Configure" button.

9. On the VLAN configuration page, you can assign ports to the VLAN. Select the desired ports and click on the "Add" or "Apply" button to assign them to the VLAN.

10. Repeat steps 7-9 to create and configure additional VLANs as needed.

11. Once you have configured the VLANs and assigned ports, click on the "Apply" or "Save" button to save the changes.

12. After applying the changes, you may need to restart the router for the VLAN configuration to take effect.

Please note that the exact steps and terminology may vary depending on the specific firmware version of your Ruijie ew1200g Pro router. It is recommended to consult the user manual or the manufacturer's website for detailed instructions specific to your router model and firmware version.

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