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Sure! Here's an example of a revalida presentation:

Title: "A Study on the Impact of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Behavior"

  • Greet the panelists and audience
  • Provide a brief overview of the research topic
  • State the objectives of the study

Literature Review:
  • Summarize relevant studies and theories related to social media advertising and consumer behavior
  • Discuss the current gaps in the literature that the research aims to address
  • Highlight the significance and relevance of the study

  • Describe the research design (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods)
  • Explain the sampling technique and sample size
  • Discuss the data collection methods (e.g., online surveys, interviews)
  • Present any measurements, scales, or questionnaires used

  • Present the data analysis techniques used (e.g., descriptive statistics, regression analysis)
  • Share and interpret the key findings of the study
  • Support the findings with charts, graphs, or tables
  • Discuss any unexpected or interesting findings

  • Analyze and interpret the findings in relation to the research objectives
  • Compare the results with previous studies and theories discussed in the literature review
  • Identify any limitations or constraints of the study
  • Discuss the implications of the findings for marketers and advertisers

  • Summarize the main findings and their implications
  • Reiterate the significance of the study
  • Highlight any future research directions or areas for further investigation

Q&A Session:
  • Respond to questions from the panelists and audience
  • Provide additional clarifications or elaborations as necessary
  • Display knowledge and understanding of the research topic

  • Thank the panelists and audience for their time and attention
  • Express gratitude to the advisers and collaborators
  • Conclude the presentation with a confident and positive note

Remember, this is just an example, and the actual content and structure of a revalida presentation can vary depending on the research topic and guidelines provided by your institution.

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