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Help Religion's effect on contemporary world

Religion has had a significant impact on the contemporary world in a variety of ways, including:

1. Conflict and Violence: Religion has been the root cause of many conflicts and wars throughout history. In contemporary times, some religious groups continue to engage in violence and terrorism in the name of their faith.

2. Moral Values: Religion has been a source of moral guidance for many people. It provides a framework for ethical behavior and encourages individuals to live virtuous lives based on principles such as compassion, forgiveness, and love.

3. Politics: Religion has played a significant role in politics throughout history. In some countries, religious leaders hold positions of power, and religious beliefs often influence political decisions.

4. Social Issues: Religion has been involved in shaping social issues such as gender roles, sexuality, and reproductive rights. Religious beliefs often inform people's views on these issues and can lead to conflict and division.

5. Education: Religion has been a major force in education throughout history, and it continues to shape education in many parts of the world. Religious schools and universities provide education that is grounded in a particular faith tradition.

In conclusion, religion's effect on the contemporary world is complex and multifaceted. It has the potential to promote positive values and behaviors, but it can also lead to conflict and division when used to justify violence or discrimination. Understanding the role of religion in society is essential for promoting peace and harmony.