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Tutorial Python 100 days of coding: Day 01-011


It seems that you've shared a learning resource about the Python input function. That's great! The Python input function is a built-in function that allows interactive user input from the keyboard. It's written as input() in Python.

The basic syntax of the Python input() function is: input([prompt])

- prompt (optional): A string that is written to standard output (usually the terminal) without a trailing newline, before the user input is read.

A few points to keep in mind while using the input() function:

1. The input() function reads input as a string. If you need to use the input as a number (integer or float), you would need to convert it using int() or float() functions respectively.

2. The input function in Python can pose a security threat, as it can potentially allow for command injections because of its capability to read and interpret strings as commands. So, it's better to avoid using it in a security-sensitive context.

3. In Python 2.x, there are two functions for input: input() and raw_input(). The input() function in Python 2.x behaves somewhat like eval(input()) in Python 3.x, while raw_input() in Python 2.x behaves like input() in Python 3.x.

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Keep learning and sharing more Python resources! If you or anyone else has any questions or issues regarding Python or the input function, please feel free to ask.

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