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There are many fonts in Picsart that can be used to signify strength or empowerment. Here are a few options:

1. Impact - This bold, sans-serif font makes a strong statement and commands attention.

2. Bebas Neue - Another bold sans-serif font, Bebas Neue has a modern, industrial feel that can convey strength.

3. Montserrat - This versatile font has a clean, modern look and works well in both bold and regular weights.

4. Oswald - Oswald is a classic font that has a strong, confident feel. It's great for titles and headlines.

5. Roboto Condensed - This condensed font has a sleek, modern look that can convey strength and confidence.

Ultimately, the choice of font will depend on the specific design and message you want to convey. Experiment with different options and see which one feels the most powerful to you.

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