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The question of whether people are inherently good or evil has been a subject of philosophical and psychological debate for centuries. The answer is not straightforward, as it depends on various factors such as individual differences, personal experiences, cultural influences, and situational contexts.

One perspective is that people are inherently good, and any perceived evil or immoral behavior is a result of external factors like upbringing, socialization, or environmental influences. This viewpoint suggests that humans have an innate capacity for compassion, empathy, and cooperation, and that negative behaviors emerge due to societal or situational pressures.

On the other hand, some argue that people have a predisposition towards selfishness, aggression, or negative behaviors. This viewpoint suggests that human nature is inherently flawed, and individuals must make a conscious effort to behave morally or ethically.

In reality, human behavior is complex and multifaceted. Research in psychology suggests that humans possess both positive and negative tendencies, and these can be influenced by a range of factors. Some studies indicate that infants as young as six months old show signs of empathy, suggesting an innate capacity for goodness. However, research also highlights the potential for aggression and selfishness in certain circumstances.

It is important to recognize that individuals have the capacity for both good and evil actions. Factors such as moral development, education, cultural influences, and personal choices play significant roles in shaping human behavior. Ultimately, the question of whether people are inherently good or evil does not have a definitive answer and is likely to remain a topic of philosophical and psychological debate.
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