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Answer the following questions:
what conditions make job performance possible in any organization?
What motivates people to behave differently?
How may one define intensity as an element of motivation?
1. Several conditions contribute to job performance in any organization. These include:

a) Clear goals and expectations: When employees have a clear understanding of what is expected of them and what their goals are, it enables them to focus their efforts towards achieving those objectives.

b) Supportive work environment: A positive and supportive work environment, where employees feel valued, respected, and empowered, plays a crucial role in fostering job performance. This includes factors like effective communication, teamwork, and a culture that encourages growth and development.

c) Adequate resources: Employees need access to the necessary tools, equipment, information, and resources to perform their job effectively. Lack of resources can hinder job performance and lead to frustration and demotivation.

d) Opportunities for skill development: Organizations that provide opportunities for employees to enhance their skills and knowledge through training and development programs create an environment that supports improved job performance.

e) Fair performance evaluation and recognition: Fair and unbiased performance evaluations, coupled with appropriate recognition and rewards for exceptional performance, motivate employees to strive for excellence and contribute to their overall job performance.

2. People are motivated to behave differently based on various factors, including:

a) Intrinsic motivation: Some individuals are motivated by internal factors such as personal satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, or the enjoyment derived from the work itself. These individuals are driven by their own fulfillment and personal growth.

b) Extrinsic motivation: External factors like monetary rewards, promotions, and recognition from others can motivate people to behave differently. These external incentives can influence individuals to work harder or perform certain behaviors to gain a desired outcome or reward.

c) Personal values and goals: People's values, beliefs, and long-term goals also influence their behavior. For example, someone who values social justice may be motivated to behave differently to address inequality or advocate for change.

d) Job satisfaction: A positive work environment, job autonomy, and opportunities for growth and development can contribute to higher job satisfaction, which, in turn, motivates individuals to perform better.

e) Organizational culture: The culture and values of an organization can shape how people behave. If an organization promotes teamwork, collaboration, and innovation, it can motivate employees to behave differently and contribute positively to their work.

3. Intensity, as an element of motivation, refers to the level of effort or energy that an individual puts into pursuing a goal or task. It is the degree of enthusiasm, vigor, and persistence with which an individual approaches a task.

Intensity can vary among individuals and can be influenced by various factors such as personal characteristics, the perceived significance of the goal, the level of difficulty, the perceived self-efficacy, and the potential rewards or consequences associated with achieving or failing to achieve the goal.

High intensity motivation is typically characterized by a strong drive, enthusiasm, and determination to achieve a goal, whereas low intensity motivation may result in a lack of effort or a passive approach to task completion.

Understanding intensity is important for organizations as it helps them identify the level of motivation that individuals have towards their work or goals. By recognizing intensity, organizations can take appropriate measures to enhance motivation levels and improve job performance.

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