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Oral Communication


Individual Activity. Imagine that you are addressing a group of parents and teachers in an assembly on understanding your generation known as the "Millennial Generation."

. Prepare a two-minute speech that communicates your ideas about the topic.

Your speech should highlight who the millennials are and how they are different from other generations.

⚫ Before the speech deliveries, find a partner.

Evaluate each other's speech deliveries using the rubrics on the next page.

Write the strong and weak points of the presentation in the succeeding table.

Can somebody help me with this😭😭😭🙏
Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your speech! Here's a sample two-minute speech on understanding the Millennial Generation:

"Good morning everyone! Thank you for joining me today to discuss the Millennial Generation, a topic that is often misunderstood. As a millennial myself, I hope to shed some light on who we are and how we are different from other generations.

Firstly, who are the millennials? Well, we are the generation born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s. We grew up during an era of rapid technological advancements, witnessing the birth of the internet, smartphones, and social media. These technological innovations have greatly influenced our values, behaviors, and communication styles.

One of the key differences between millennials and other generations is our reliance on technology. We are the first generation to have grown up with these tools at our fingertips. This has shaped our way of thinking, problem-solving, and even our social interactions. We embrace digital platforms for various aspects of our lives, from work to relationships, and we are quick to adapt to new technologies.

Another distinctive characteristic of millennials is our desire for meaningful work and a work-life balance. We prioritize personal fulfillment and purpose in our careers rather than simply chasing financial success. We value flexibility and are not afraid to challenge traditional workplace norms. As a result, we are often seen as innovative and entrepreneurial, constantly seeking opportunities to make a positive impact.

Furthermore, millennials are known for our commitment to social causes and advocating for change. We are passionate about issues such as climate change, social justice, and equality. We use our platforms, both online and offline, to amplify our voices and drive positive change in the world. This strong sense of social responsibility sets us apart from previous generations.

In conclusion, understanding the Millennial Generation is crucial for effective communication and collaboration. We are a generation that embraces technology, seeks meaning in our work, and strives for positive change. By recognizing and appreciating these differences, we can bridge the generation gap and create a more inclusive and harmonious society.

Thank you for your attention!"

Now, when evaluating each other's speeches, you can use the following rubrics to assess the strong and weak points:

1. Content and Organization:
  • Does the speech provide a clear introduction, body, and conclusion?
  • Are the main points well-developed and supported with relevant examples?
  • Is the information accurate and up-to-date?

2. Delivery and Presentation:
  • Does the speaker maintain good eye contact with the audience?
  • Is the speech delivered with clear pronunciation and appropriate pace?
  • Does the speaker use gestures and body language effectively?

3. Engagement and Impact:
  • Does the speech engage the audience and maintain their interest?
  • Does the speaker demonstrate passion and enthusiasm for the topic?
  • Does the speech have a clear takeaway message or call to action?

After evaluating, you can write down the strong and weak points of each presentation in a table format to provide constructive feedback to your partner.

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