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Help Mu Online S6 E3 SMG Weapon

An RBS (Red Blood Sword) with 3 sockets and normal (non-excellent) stats, at ML (Master Level) 200 and with T2 Set equipped, can be a good weapon for SMG (Soul Master), but it may not be the best option available.

Firstly, it's important to note that SMGs benefit greatly from weapons with high base damage and attack speed, as their main role is dealing physical damage. Therefore, if you have other options available, such as a high-grade excellent weapon or a weapon with a higher base damage, they may be more effective than a non-excellent RBS with 3 sockets.

However, if the RBS is your best option, then you can use Jewels of Harmony to add additional stats to the weapon, such as +damage, +attack speed, or +critical damage. Additionally, you can use Jewel of Chaos to try to add excellent options to the weapon, which can greatly increase its effectiveness.

Overall, while an RBS with 3 sockets and normal stats may not be the best weapon available for SMGs, it can still be effective if you use Jewels of Harmony and Jewel of Chaos to improve its stats and options.

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