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List of Ancient History Religion (Religion is Poli-Politika lang po)

Asherah Goddess

Forum Veteran
Nov 17, 2021

Ito ang list of Ancient History Religion. Based on the list , lumalabas na puli-pulitika lang po ang relihiyon. Meron tayo itinatawag na spiritual evolution. Ang tao ay nagbabago pagdating sa spiritual and so some religious leaders o some religious people ay not acceptable sa kanila ang pagiging "open minded" dahil ang pagiging open minded raw is a sin. I do not know why ayaw tayo epabuklat sa ibang relihiyon and maybe dahil baka mabulabog tayo kapag na open ang mind natin sa iba kung kaya ang gusto nito ay stick only kung ano lamang ang nakasanayan paniniwala at nakasanayan kinalakihan , kung kaya some , they think na sila lang ang tunay at totoong paniniwala at totoong relihiyon. Kung mapapansin as in , meron pa iyan "meeting-meeting" sa bawat members ng religion or church para pag-usapan kung ano dapat iinclude na character in their beliefs and sila-sila din ang nagdidisiyon kung lalake o babae raw si Satan at maraming iba pa. For me , human lang katulad natin ang nag oorganize kung ano at hindi dapat sa society natin mismo.

Ito ang list.

7500 BC – 5700 BC = Çatalhöyük - Mother Goddess feminine

7250 BC – 6500 BC = The ʿAin Ghazal statues were made in Jordan during the Neolithic. These statues were argued to have been gods, legendary leaders, or other figures of power.

Late 4th millennium BC = Sumerian Cuneiform emerged from the proto-literate Uruk period, allowing the codification of beliefs and the creation of detailed historical religious records.
2400 BC – 2300 BC = The first of the oldest surviving religious texts, the Pyramid Texts, was composed in Ancient Egypt.

2200 BC: The Minoan civilization developed in Crete. Citizens worshipped a variety of goddesses.

1500 BC – 1000 BC = The oldest of the Hindu Vedas (scriptures), the Rigveda was composed.

1351 BC or 1353 BC = The reign of Akhenaten, sometimes credited with starting the earliest known recorded "monotheistic religion", in Ancient Egypt.

1300 BC – 1046 BC = The "polytheistic religion" of the Chinese Shang dynasty reached its mature form.

877 BC – 777 BC: The life of Parshvanatha, 23rd Tirthankara of Jainism.

800 BC – 300 BC: The Upanishads (Vedic texts) were composed, containing the earliest emergence of some of the central religious concepts of Hinduism and Buddhism.

8th to 6th centuries BC: The Chandogya Upanishad is compiled, significant for containing the earliest to date mention of "Krishna".

6th to 5th centuries BC: The first five books of the "Jewish Tanakh", the Torah (Hebrew: תורה), are probably compiled.

6th century BC: Possible start of Zoroastrianism; The emperors Darius (ruled 522–486 BC) and Xerxes (ruled 486–465 BC) made it the official religion of their empire.

600 BC – 500 BC: The earliest Confucian writing, Shu-Ching, incorporates ideas of harmony and heaven.

599 BC – 527 BC: The life of Mahavira, 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism.

563 BC – 400 BC: Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism was born.

515 BC - 70 AD: The Second Temple period begins. The synagogue and Jewish eschatology can all be traced back to the Second Temple period.

551 BC: Confucius, founder of Confucianism, was born.

447 BC: The Parthenon is dedicated to the goddess Athena.

300 BC: Theravada Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka by the Venerable Mahinda.

c. 250 BC: The Third Buddhist council was convened by Ashoka. Ashoka sends Buddhist missionaries to faraway countries, such as China, mainland Southeast Asia, Malay kingdoms, and Hellenistic kingdoms.

c. 200 BC: Worship of Yahweh's consort Asherah ends in Israel. (See? Hindi ako nag-eembento po na meron nag-exist na Goddess Asherah na asawa nito ay si God Yahweh na Yahweh din ang tawag in a Christian denomination po)

140 BC: The earliest grammar of Sanskrit literature was composed by Pāṇini.

140 BC – 200 AD: The Development of the Hebrew Bible canon.

100 BC – 500 AD: The Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali, one of the oldest texts in Yoga, were composed.


6 BC – 33 AD:
The life of Jesus of Nazareth, the central figure of Christianity.

8 AD: Ovid's "Metamorphoses chronicles" the history of the world from its creation to the deification of Julius Caesar (diyan ba nanggaling ang Adam and Eve or what? History of the world from its creation daw huh? Never mind.)

27 AD – 31 AD: The death of John the Baptist.

12 AD – 38 AD: According to the Haran Gawaita, Nasoraean Mandaean disciples of John the Baptist flee persecution in Jerusalem and arrive in Media during the reign of a Parthian king identified as Artabanus II who ruled between 12 and 38 CE.

50 AD – 62 AD: The first "Christian Council" was convened in Jerusalem.

70 AD: The Siege of Jerusalem, the Destruction of the Temple, and the rise of Rabbinic Judaism.

150 – 250: Nagarjuna, Indian Mahayana Buddhist, philosopher and founder of Madhyamaka-Sunyavada Buddhism.

200: Some of the oldest parts of the Ginza Rabba, a core text of the Mandaeism, were written.

216: Prophet Mani, founder of Manichaeism, is born.

313: The Edict of Milan decreed religious toleration in the Roman empire.

325: The first ecumenical council (the Council of Nicaea) was convened to attain a consensus on doctrine through an assembly representing all Christendom. It established the original Nicene Creed and fixed the date of Easter. It also confirmed the primacy of the Sees of Rome, Alexandria and Antioch, and granted the See of Jerusalem a position of honour. (Ayan na po ang Catholic)

c. 350: The oldest record of the complete biblical texts (the Codex Sinaiticus) survives in a Greek translation called the Septuagint, dating to the 4th century CE.

380: Theodosius I declared Nicene Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. (Victorious na po ang Christianity)

381: The second ecumenical council (the First Council of Constantinople) reaffirmed and revised the Nicene Creed, repudiating Arianism and Pneumatomachi.

381 – 391: Theodosius outlaws paganism within the Roman Empire. Laws enacted requiring death penalty for acts of Divination (Laws enacted requiring death penalty)

393: A council of early Christian bishops listed and approved a biblical canon for the first time at the Synod of Hippo.

400: Saint Augustine exhorts his congregation to smash all pagan artifacts, saying "for that all superstition of pagans and heathens should be annihilated is what God wants, God commands, God proclaims!" (Ayan na po ang pagiging victorious ng monotheistic God over polytheistic Gods and Goddesses)

405: Jerome completed the Vulgate, the first Latin translation of the Bible.

410: The Western Roman Empire began to decline, signalling the onset of the Dark Ages.

424: The Church of the East in the Sasanian Empire (Persia) formally separated from the See of Antioch and proclaimed full ecclesiastical independence.

431: The third ecumenical council (the First Council of Ephesus) was convened as a result of the controversial teachings of Nestorius of Constantinople. It repudiated Nestorianism, and proclaimed the Vlrgin Mary as the Theotokos (the God-bearer or Mother of God). It also repudiated Pelagianism and again reaffirmed the Nicene Creed.

449: The Second Council of Ephesus declared support for éùtyches and attacked his opponents. Originally convened as an ecumenical council, its ecumenical nature was rejected by the Chalcedonians, who denounced the council as latrocinium.

451: The fourth ecumenical council (the Council of Chalcedon) rejected the éùtychian doctrine of monophysitism, adopting instead the Chalcedonian Creed. It reinstated those deposed in 449, deposed Dioscorus of Alexandria and elevated the bishoprics of Constantinople and Jerusalem to the status of patriarchates (Patriarchate = Ancient Greek: πατριαρχεῖον, patriarcheîon is an ecclesiological term in Christianity, designating the office and jurisdiction of an ecclesiastical patriarch) = THE PATRIARCHAL AGE

The Oriental Orthodox Church rejected the Christological view put forth by the Council of Chalcedon and was excommunicated.

480 – 547: Benedict of Nursia wrote his Rule, laying the foundation of Western Christian monasticism.

553: The fifth ecumenical council (the Second Council of Constantinople) repudiated the Three Chapters as Nestorian and condemned Origen of Alexandria.

570 – 632: The life of Prophet Muhammad of Islam. (Iyan na po ang Islam)

632: Work began on the compilation of the Quran into the form of a book (soon to be known as Mashaf-ul-Hafsa), in the era of Abu Bakr, the first Caliph of Islam.

632 – 661: The Rashidun Caliphate heralded the Arab conquest of Persia, Egypt and Iraq, bringing Islam to those regions.

650: All written versions of the Quran were destroyed except the Mashaf-ul-Hafsa (first complete compiled copy) in the era of Uthman, the third Caliph of Islam.

661 – 750: The Umayyad Caliphate brought the Arab conquest of North Africa, Spain and Central Asia, marking the greatest extent of the Arab conquests and bringing Islam to those regions.

680 – 681: The sixth ecumenical council (the Third Council of Constantinople) rejected Monothelitism and Monoenergism.

c. 680: The division between Sunni Islam and Shia Islam developed.

692: The Quinisext Council (also known as the Council in Trullo), an amendment to the 5th and 6th ecumenical councils, established the Pentarchy.

712: The Kojiki, the oldest Shinto text, was written.

716 – 936: The migration of Zoroastrian (Parsi) communities from Persia to India began, caused by Muslim conquest of their lands and the ensuing persecution.

754: The Latrocinium Council of Hieria supported iconoclasm.

787: The seventh ecumenical council (the Second Council of Nicaea) restored the veneration of icons and denounced iconoclasm.

788 – 820: The life of Hindu philosopher Adi Shankara, who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta.

c. 850: The oldest extant manuscripts of the vocalized Masoretic text, upon which modern editions are based, date to 9th century CE.


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1017 – 1137 = Life of the founder of Vishishtadvaita Vedanta, philosopher and social reformer Ramanuja

c. 1052 – c. 1135 = The life of Milarepa, one of the most famous yogis and poets of Tibetan Buddhism.

1054 = The Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches was formalised.

1095 – 1099: The First Crusade led to the capture of Jerusalem.

1107 – 1110: Sigurd I of Norway led the Norwegian Crusade against Muslims in Spain, the Balearic Islands and in Palestine.

1147 – 1149: The Second Crusade was waged in response to the fall of the County of Edessa.

1189 – 1192: In the Third Crusade European leaders attempted to reconquer the Holy Land from Saladin.

1200: The earliest Mabinogion texts are compiled, cataloging Celtic mythology in Middle Welsh.

1202 – 1204: The Fourth Crusade, originally intended to recapture Jerusalem, instead led to the sack of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire.

1206: The Delhi Sultanate was established.

1209 – 1229: The Albigensian Crusade was conducted to eliminate Catharism in Occitania, Europe.

1217 – 1221: With the Fifth Crusade, Christian leaders again attempted (but failed) to recapture Jerusalem.

1220: Snorri Sturluson authors the Prose Edda, cataloging the beliefs of Norse Paganism.

1222 – 1282: The life of Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law and founder of Nichiren Buddhism. Based at the Nichiren Shoshu Head Temple Taisekiji (Japan), this branch of Buddhism teaches the importance of chanting the mantra Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō.

1228 – 1229: The Sixth Crusade won control of large areas of the Holy Land for Christian rulers, more through diplomacy than through fighting.

The Codex Gigas was completed by Herman the Recluse in the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice near Chrudim.

1238 – 1317: Life of philosopher Madhvacharya, founder of Dvaita Vedanta

1244: Jerusalem was sacked again, instigating the Seventh Crusade.

1270: The Eighth Crusade was launched by Louis IX of France but largely petered out when Louis died shortly after reaching Tunis.

1271 – 1272: The Ninth Crusade failed.

1300 – 1521: During the Aztecs' existence in the post-classic period from 1300 to 1521, they practised a religion which encompassed a complex range of practices and beliefs, being generally polytheistic. Human sacrifice was practiced on a grand scale throughout the Aztec Empire, which was performed in honor of their gods.

1320: Pope John XXII laid the groundwork for future witch-hunts with the formalisation of the persecution of witchcraft.

1378 – 1417: The Roman Catholic Church split during the Western Schism.

1415: The death of Jan Hus who is considered as the first reformer of the Western Christianity. This event is often considered as the beginning of the Reformation.

1469 – 1539: The life of Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism.

1484: Pope Innocent VIII marked the beginning of the classical European witch-hunts with his papal bull Summis desiderantes.

1486 – 1534: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu popularised the chanting of the Hare Krishna and composed the Shikshashtakam (eight devotional prayers) in Sanskrit. His followers, Gaudiya Vaishnavas, revere him as a spiritual reformer, a Hindu revivalist and an avatar of Krishna.


In the Spanish Empire, Catholicism was spread and encouraged through such institutions as the missions and the Inquisition.

1517: Martin Luther posted The Ninety-Five Theses on the door of All Saints' Church, Wittenberg, launching the Protestant Reformation.

1526: African religious systems were introduced to the Americas, with the commencement of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

1534: Henry VIII separated the English Church from Rome and made himself Supreme Head of the Church of England.

1562: The Massacre of Vassy sparked the first of a series of French Wars of Religion.

1674: Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj became 1st Chatrapati of Maratha Empire

1699: Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa in Sikhism.

1708: Guru Gobind Singh, the last Sikh guru, died after instituting the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, as the eternal Guru.

1770: Baron d'Holbach published The System of Nature said to be the first positive, unambiguous statement of atheism in the West. (Nagsimula na po ang Atheism)

1781: Ghanshyam, later known as Sahajanand Swami/Swaminarayan, was born in Chhapaiya at the house of Dharmadev and Bhaktimata.

1789 – 1799: in the Dechristianisation of France. the Revolutionary Government confiscated Church properties, banned monastic vows and, with the passage of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, removed control of the Church from the Pope and subordinated it as a department of the Government. The Republic also replaced the traditional Gregorian Calendar and abolished Christian holidays.

c. 1790 – 1840: The Second Great Awakening, a Protestant religious revival in the United States.

1791: Freedom of religion, enshrined in the Bill of Rights, was added as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, forming an early and influential secular government.

1794: the Cult of the Supreme Being in France is founded by Maximilien Robespierre.

1801: the French Revolutionary Government and Pope Pius VII entered into the Concordat of 1801. While Roman Catholicism regained some powers and became recognized as "the religion of the great majority of the French", it was not afforded the latitude it had enjoyed prior to the Revolution and was not re-established as the official state religion. The Church relinquished all claims to estate seized after 1790, the clergy was state salaried and was obliged to swear allegiance to the State. Religious freedom was restored.

1819 – 1850: The life of Siyyid 'Alí Muḥammad Shírází (Persian: سيد علی ‌محمد شیرازی), better known as the Báb, the founder of Bábism.

1817 – 1892: The life of Baháʼu'lláh, founder of the Baháʼí Faith.

1823: Mormon prophet Joseph Smith claimed to see the Angel Moroni and prophesied of what is now the Book of Mormon.

1830s: Adventism was started by William Miller in the United States.

1830: the Church of Christ was founded by Joseph Smith on 6 April – initiating the Latter Day Saint restorationist movement.

1835 – 1908: the life of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement.

1836 – 1886: the life of Ramakrishna, saint and mystic of Bengal.

1844: Joseph Smith was murdered, reportedly by John C. Elliott, on 27 June, resulting in a succession crisis in the Latter Day Saint movement.

1875: the Theosophical Society was formed in New York City by Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and others.

1879: Christian Science was granted its charter in Boston, Massachusetts.

1881: Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society was formed by Charles Taze Russell, initiating the Bible Student movement.

1889: the Ahmadiyya Community was established.

1893: Swami Vivekananda's first speech at The Parliament of the World's Religions, Chicago, brought the ancient philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world.

1899: Aradia (aka The Gospel of the Witches), one of the earliest books describing post-witchhunt European religious Witchcraft, was published by Charles Godfrey Leland.

1901: The incorporation of the Spiritualists' National Union legally representing Spiritualism in the United Kingdom.

1904: Thelema was founded by Aleister Crowley.

1905: In France the law on the Separation of the Churches and the State was passed, officially establishing state secularism and putting an end to the funding of religious groups by the state.

1907: Formation of BAPS (Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha), a major sect in the Swaminarayan Sampradaya by Shastriji Maharaj

1908: The Khalifatul Masih was established in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as the "Second Manifestation of God's Power".

1913: The Moorish Science Temple of America is founded in Newark, New Jersey.

1917: The October Revolution in Russia led to the annexation of all church properties and subsequent religious suppression.

1920: The Self-Realization Fellowship Church of all Religions with its headquarters in Los Angeles, CA, was founded by Paramahansa Yogananda.

1922 – 1991: Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union. The total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million.

1926: Cao Dai founded.

1929: The Cristero War, fought between the secular government and religious Christian rebels in Mexico, ended.

1930: The Rastafari movement began following the coronation of Haile Selassie I as Emperor of Ethiopia.

1930: After previously failing to claim the leadership of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Wallace Fard Muhammad creates the Nation of Islam in Detroit, Michigan.

1931: Jehovah's Witnesses emerged from the Bible Student movement under the influence of Joseph Franklin Rutherford.

1932: A neo-Hindu religious movement, the Brahma Kumaris or "Daughters of Brahma", started. Its origin can be traced to the group "Om Mandali", founded by Lekhraj Kripalani (1884–1969).

1939 – 1945: Millions of Jews were relocated and murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

1947: Pakistan, the first nation-state in the name of Islam was created. British India was partitioned into the secular nation of India with a Hindu majority and the Muslim-majority nation of Pakistan (the eastern half of whom would later become Bangladesh).

1948: The modern state of Israel was established as a homeland for the Jews.

1954: The Church of Scientology was founded by L. Ron Hubbard.

1954: Wicca was publicised by Gerald Gardner.

1956: Navayana Buddhism (Neo-Buddhism) was founded by B. R. Ambedkar, initially attracting some 380,000 Dalit converts from Hinduism.

1959: The 14th Dalai Lama fled Tibet amidst unrest and established an exile community in India.

1960s: Various Neopagan and New Age movements gained momentum.

1961: Unitarian Universalism was formed from the merger of Unitarianism and Universalism.

1962: The Church of All Worlds, the first American neo-pagan church, was formed by a group including Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart, and Richard Lance Christie.

1962 – 1965: The Second Vatican Council was convened.

1965: Srila Prabhupada established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and introduced translations of the Bhagavad Gita and Vedic scriptures in mass production all over the world.

1966: The Church of Satan was founded by Anton LaVey on Walpurgisnacht.

1972 – 1984: The Stonehenge free festivals started.

1972 – 2004: Germanic Neopaganism (aka Heathenism, Heathenry, Ásatrú, Odinism, Forn Siðr, Vor Siðr, and Theodism) began to experience a second wave of revival.

1973: Claude Vorilhon established the Raëlian Movement and changed his name to Raël following a purported extraterrestrial encounter in December 1973.

1975: The Temple of Set was founded in Santa Barbara, California.

1979: The Iranian Revolution resulted in the establishment of an Islamic Republic in Iran.

1981: The Stregherian revival continued. "The Book of the Holy Strega" and "The Book of Ways", Volumes I and II, were published.

1984: Operation Blue Star in the holiest site of the Sikhs, the Golden Temple in Amritsar, led to Anti-Sikh riots in Delhi and adjoining regions, following the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

1985: The Battle of the Beanfield forced an end to the Stonehenge free festivals.

1989: Following the revolutions of 1989, the overthrow of many Soviet-style states allowed a resurgence in open religious practice in many Eastern European countries.

1990s: Reconstructionist Pagan movements (Celtic, Hellenic, Roman, Slavic, Baltic, Finnish, etc.) proliferate throughout Europe.

1993: The European Council convened in Copenhagen, Denmark, agreed to the Copenhagen Criteria, requiring religious freedom within all members and prospective members of the European Union.

1993: The World Union of Deists is founded in the USA. (Ako ito. I am a Deist!)

1995: The first Traditional Hindu Mandir outside of India created in London by Pramukh Swami Maharaj (1921–2016) Guru of BAPS.

1998: The Strega Arician Tradition was founded.

2002: Joy of Satan Ministries was founded by Andrea Dietrich following her conception of the ideology of "spiritual Satanism".

2005: Becoming a place of pilgrimage for neo-druids and other pagans, the Ancient Order of Druids organised the first recorded reconstructionist ceremony in Stonehenge in 2005.

2006: Sectarian rivalries exploded in Iraq between Sunni Muslims and Shias, with each side targeting the other in terrorist acts, and bombings of mosques and shrines.

2008: Nepal, the world's only Hindu Kingdom, was declared a secular state by its Constituent Assembly after declaring the state a Republic on 28 May 2008.

2009: The Church of Scientology in France was fined €600,000 and several of its leaders were fined and imprisoned for defrauding new recruits of their savings. The state failed to disband the church owing to legal changes occurring over the same time period.

2011: Civil war broke out in Syria over domestic political issues. The country soon split along sectarian lines between Sunni Muslims, Alawite and Shiites. War crimes and acts of genocide were committed by both parties as religious leaders on each side condemned the other as heretics. The Syrian civil war soon became a battleground for regional sectarian unrest, as fighters joined the fight from as far away as North America and Europe, as well as Iran and the Arab states.

2013: The Satanic Temple was founded by Lucien Greaves and Malcolm Jarry (pseudonyms).

2014: A supposed Islamic Caliphate was established by the self-proclaimed Islamic State in regions of war torn Syria and Iraq, drawing global support from radical Sunni Muslims. This was a modern-day attempt to re-establish Islamic self-rule in accordance with strict adherence to Shariah-Islamic religious law.[86] In the wake of the Syrian civil war, Islamic extremists targeted the indigenous Arab Christian communities. In acts of genocide, numerous ancient Christian and Yazidi communities were evicted and threatened with death by various Muslim Sunni fighter groups.[87] After ISIS terrorist forces infiltrated and took over large parts of northern Iraq from Syria, many ancient Christian and Yazidi enclaves were destroyed.

2019: The Orthodox Church of Ukraine is granted independence from the Russian Orthodox Church by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Conclusion :

Alam ko meron ibang tao na hindi acceptable sa kanila kung sabihin ko na pagdating ng panahon ay meron at meron din magbabago pagdating sa ating beliefs o sa ating spiritual na sanhi na pagkakaroon ng bagong relihiyon uli , maybe after years or a thousand years , ang iba diyan is bumabalik sila kung ano ang old religion o original beliefs kung baga , ang iba ay binubuhay nila uli kung ano ang old beliefs at ina adapt nila itong modern era.

So all I want to say na walang kilalaman sa relihiyon ang kaligtasan ng mga tao kungdi the spirit within us dahil talaga lang , almost a thousand religion sa buong mundo at meron kanya-kanyang history ang mga religion na ikinagisnan po at ilan diyan , meron din iyan mga evidence. So hindi relihiyon ang sagot sa kaligtasan. Walang kilalaman sa relihiyon po ang kaligtasan ng tao po.

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Asherah Goddess

Lumang theory na po na ung Torah ay mula 539 to 333 BC. May recent scholars na convinced na ang Torah's true first version is the Sepetuagint which was authored by educated Jews to apply Plato's political philosophy putting it somewhere within the 3rd century BCE.

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Example verse that strengthen this ay ung pagbabawal ng mga books ng pork.

According to Leviticus 11:3, animals like cows, sheep, and deer that have divided hooves and chew their You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. may be consumed. Pigs should not be eaten because they don't chew their cud.

Mapapansin natin na walang sense ung reasoning in modern science, but this is how they classified animals in this period: Based on hoof division and eating practice.

If familiar ka sa Greek mythology, ang totoong reason bakit pinandidirahan ang kumain ng baboy, mas malamang na basis nito ay yung myth ni Circe, kung saan nagtransform siya ng mga masamang tao into pigs. Which point the belief writing of abrahamic tradition to happen within this timeframe.
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