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Closed Latest update! globe/tm default no load 69ms ping very smooth sa laro 3g modem ako lifetime china⚡⚡⚡

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Haha same brain apk haha salamat haha ginawa ko na to sa vpn app nung una kaso failed ha ***** ko di sinubukan sa,injector galing mo master ..haha
[2017-06-30 23:42:52] Running on Cherry Flare_X_V2 (mt6753) Cherry, Android API 25
[2017-06-30 23:42:52] Application version: 4.1.1 Build 59
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] <strong>Using VPN Service</strong>
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] <strong>[START] service requested</strong>
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] Injector Service Started
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] Local IP:
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] Starting - Network Task
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] Remote Proxy Address:
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-06-30 23:42:54] Start tunnel service
[2017-06-30 23:42:58] Buffer Size: Send: 16384 | Receive: 32768
[2017-06-30 23:42:58] Running - Proxy Thread
[2017-06-30 23:42:58] Running - Proxy Thread
[2017-06-30 23:42:58] Formatted Payload:CONNECT [host_port] [protocol][crlf]Host: apps.google.com[crlf]X-Online-Host: apps.google.com[crlf]X-Forward-Host: apps.google.com[crlf]Connection: Keep-Alive[crlf][crlf]
[2017-06-30 23:42:58] Injecting
[2017-06-30 23:42:58] <strong>Status: 200 (Connection established)</strong> Successful - The action requested by the client was successful.
[2017-06-30 23:42:59] Hostkey fingerprint: 8e:96:cc:ec:69:13:b5:a8:8d:fb:0d:22:6a:ce:06:77
[2017-06-30 23:42:59] Key exchange algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[2017-06-30 23:42:59] Using algorithm: aes256-ctr hmac-sha2-256
[2017-06-30 23:42:59] Username: ipbvs.com-Snsbdb
[2017-06-30 23:43:00] Password auth available
[2017-06-30 23:43:02] Authenticate with password
[2017-06-30 23:43:03] Forward Successful
[2017-06-30 23:43:03] <strong>Connected</strong>
[2017-06-30 23:43:03] Starting Injector VPN Service
[2017-06-30 23:43:03] DNS Forwarding: Google DNS
[2017-06-30 23:43:03] Google DNS enabled
[2017-06-30 23:43:03] DNS forwarding enabled
[2017-06-30 23:43:03] Tunnel core started
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] <strong>[STOP] service requested</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] <strong>Disconnected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Socket closed
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] Proxy - Closing connection
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] IOException: Socket closed
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] Injector Service Stopped
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] Stop Injector VPN Service
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] Closing interface, destroying VPN interface
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] Tunnel core stopped
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] Notice: Couldn't Initiate I/O connection: Socket closed
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:08:36] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] <strong>Using VPN Service</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] <strong>[START] service requested</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] Remote Proxy Address:
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 00:08:37] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 00:08:42] Buffer Size: Send: 16384 | Receive: 32768
[2017-07-01 00:08:42] Running - Proxy Thread
[2017-07-01 00:08:42] Formatted Payload:CONNECT [host_port] [protocol][crlf]Host: apps.google.com[crlf]X-Online-Host: apps.google.com[crlf]X-Forward-Host: apps.google.com[crlf]Connection: Keep-Alive[crlf][crlf]
[2017-07-01 00:08:42] Running - Proxy Thread
[2017-07-01 00:08:42] Injecting
[2017-07-01 00:08:43] <strong>Status: 200 (Connection established)</strong> Successful - The action requested by the client was successful.
[2017-07-01 00:08:45] Hostkey fingerprint: 8e:96:cc:ec:69:13:b5:a8:8d:fb:0d:22:6a:ce:06:77
[2017-07-01 00:08:45] Key exchange algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[2017-07-01 00:08:45] Using algorithm: aes256-ctr hmac-sha2-256
[2017-07-01 00:08:45] Username: ipbvs.com-Snsbdb
[2017-07-01 00:08:45] Password auth available
[2017-07-01 00:08:51] Authenticate with password
[2017-07-01 00:08:52] Forward Successful
[2017-07-01 00:08:52] Starting Injector VPN Service
[2017-07-01 00:08:52] <strong>Connected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:08:52] DNS Forwarding: Google DNS
[2017-07-01 00:08:52] Google DNS enabled
[2017-07-01 00:08:52] DNS forwarding enabled
[2017-07-01 00:08:52] Tunnel core started
[2017-07-01 00:09:44] <strong>[STOP] service requested</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:44] <strong>Disconnected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:44] Proxy - Closing connection
[2017-07-01 00:09:44] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Socket closed
[2017-07-01 00:09:44] IOException: Socket closed
[2017-07-01 00:09:45] Injector Service Stopped
[2017-07-01 00:09:45] Stop Injector VPN Service
[2017-07-01 00:09:45] Closing interface, destroying VPN interface
[2017-07-01 00:09:45] Tunnel core stopped
[2017-07-01 00:09:45] Notice: Couldn't Initiate I/O connection: Socket closed
[2017-07-01 00:09:45] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:09:45] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:09:54] <strong>Using VPN Service</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:54] <strong>[START] service requested</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:54] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 00:09:54] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-07-01 00:09:54] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 00:09:54] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 00:09:54] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:09:54] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 00:09:54] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 00:09:55] SSH Compression Enabled
[2017-07-01 00:09:55] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:09:55] <strong>Error: Unknown Host: Unable to resolve host "*********": No address associated with hostname</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:55] SSH: Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:09:55] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:09:55] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:09:56] <strong>Disconnected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] <strong>Reconnecting…</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Injector Service Stopped
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] SSH Compression Enabled
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] <strong>Error: Unknown Host: Unable to resolve host "*********": No address associated with hostname</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] SSH: Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:09:57] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:09:58] <strong>Disconnected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] <strong>Reconnecting…</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] Injector Service Stopped
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] SSH Compression Enabled
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] <strong>Error: Unknown Host: Unable to resolve host "*********": No address associated with hostname</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:09:59] SSH: Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:00] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:00] <strong>Disconnected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:01] <strong>Reconnecting…</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:01] Injector Service Stopped
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] SSH Compression Enabled
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] <strong>Error: Unknown Host: Unable to resolve host "*********": No address associated with hostname</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] SSH: Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:02] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:03] <strong>Disconnected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] <strong>Reconnecting…</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Injector Service Stopped
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] SSH Compression Enabled
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] <strong>Error: Unknown Host: Unable to resolve host "*********": No address associated with hostname</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] SSH: Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:04] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:05] <strong>Disconnected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:05] <strong>[STOP] service requested</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:06] Injector Service Stopped
[2017-07-01 00:10:06] Stop Injector VPN Service
[2017-07-01 00:10:06] <strong>Reconnecting…</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:12] <strong>Using VPN Service</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:12] <strong>[START] service requested</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:12] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 00:10:12] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-07-01 00:10:12] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 00:10:12] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 00:10:12] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:12] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 00:10:13] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 00:10:13] SSH Compression Enabled
[2017-07-01 00:10:13] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:13] <strong>Error: Unknown Host: Unable to resolve host "*********": No address associated with hostname</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:13] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:10:13] SSH: Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:13] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:14] <strong>Disconnected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] <strong>Reconnecting…</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Injector Service Stopped
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] SSH Compression Enabled
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] <strong>Error: Unknown Host: Unable to resolve host "*********": No address associated with hostname</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] SSH: Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:15] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:16] <strong>Disconnected</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] <strong>Reconnecting…</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] Injector Service Stopped
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE http.globe.com.ph
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] SSH Compression Enabled
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] <strong>Connection Lost</strong> Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] <strong>Error: Unknown Host: Unable to resolve host "*********": No address associated with hostname</strong>
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] Stopped - Proxy Server
[2017-07-01 00:10:17] SSH: Connection reset
[2017-07-01 00:10:18] Stopped - Network Task
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] <strong>Using VPN Service</strong>
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] <strong>[START] service requested</strong>
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] Injector Service Started
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] <strong>System Proxy is active</strong>
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] Local IP:
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] Starting listening local port: <b>8989</b>
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] Starting - Network Task
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] Listening for incoming connection
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] Start tunnel service
[2017-07-01 01:03:23] SSH Compression Enabled
[2017-07-01 01:03:24] Buffer Size: Send: 16384 | Receive: 32768
[2017-07-01 01:03:24] Running - Proxy Thread
[2017-07-01 01:03:24] Running - Proxy Thread
[2017-07-01 01:03:24] Injecting
[2017-07-01 01:03:24] <strong>Status: 200 (Connection established)</strong> Successful - The action requested by the client was successful.
[2017-07-01 01:03:26] Hostkey fingerprint: e6:69:15:e5:87:a1:1b:54:41:d2:77:03:88:e7:1e:11
[2017-07-01 01:03:26] Key exchange algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
[2017-07-01 01:03:26] Using algorithm: aes256-ctr hmac-sha1-96
[2017-07-01 01:03:28] Password auth available
[2017-07-01 01:03:28] Authenticate with password
[2017-07-01 01:03:29] Forward Successful
[2017-07-01 01:03:30] <strong>Connected</strong>
[2017-07-01 01:03:30] Starting Injector VPN Service
[2017-07-01 01:03:30] Tunnel core started

salamat usab
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