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Help How to use someone's video on YøùTùbé without copyright strike?

There are a few ways to use someone else's video on YøùTùbé without getting a copyright strike:

1. Ask for permission: The easiest and most straightforward way to avoid copyright issues is to ask the creator of the video for permission to use their content. You can send them a message and explain why you want to use their video and how you plan to use it.

2. Use public domain content: Public domain content is free to use without permission or attribution. You can find public domain videos on sites like the Internet Archive, Pexels, and Pixabay.

3. Use Creative Commons content: Creative Commons is a licensing system that allows creators to share their content with others while still retaining some rights. You can search for Creative Commons videos on sites like Flickr, Vimeo, and YøùTùbé itself.

4. Use a video editor: If you want to use a portion of someone else's video, you can use a video editor to crop and edit the footage. This way, you can use only the part you need without infringing on the original creator's rights.

Remember, using someone else's video without permission can result in a copyright strike, so it's always best to ask for permission or use public domain or Creative Commons content.