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Tutorial How To Be Happy Being Single

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
If you choose to be single for now, be happy enough because it only means that God is just saving the best for you.
You have to be patient, be positive, and follow these tips on keeping a happy life while you are single.

Practice Self-Love.

People who love themselves are more confident and happier.
Loving yourself is important because it can help you feel less lonely and more confident in your ability to cope with life.It also makes you more open to receiving love from others.
You deserve to be loved not only by those people around you but, of course by Yourself as well. Being single is an opportunity to focus on yourself and to look deep inside yourself.
It's actually the most important relationship you need to deal with. So do yourself a favor, give yourself a little hug and start to love yourself more.
Embrace ,encourage,forgive,protect and treat yourself, appreciate yourself for being authentically you.

Practice Self-Improvement.​

Take time to improve yourself every single day. It's about learning, growing, and being your best self,staying happy in every area of life, especially love and relationships.
But it doesn’t mean you need to be alone all the time.
You should have goals to achieve, things to learn, and places to go that are different from a couple’s life together.
Be open-minded in trying new things.
Learn something that can help you become better or learn about other cultures through traveling around the world.
Discover yourself while discovering others by learning more about their experiences and challenges through conversations with them.

Serve God.

Instead of complaining or being sad about your relationship status, why not just fix your eyes on Jesus. Remember that until God is the obsession of your heart, you’ll always be looking for mere men to meet needs that only He can fill.Only when you make God your first love will you be ready for a love story that reflects His glory. If you get bored, feel unhappy, or lost in life, just serve God, and he will surely lead you to the right path.

Spend More Time With Your Family.

Surrounding yourself with supportive people will help you feel happy. You don’t have to be in an intimate relationship to be happy.
The love and support of your family are already enough to keep you happy. They are the ones you can trust and rely on when you need someone to lean on.
Instead of looking for a date, why not just hang out with your family, date them, spend your time with the people who are always there for you. The love of your family is life’s greatest blessing.

Keep In Touch With Your Friends.

Surround yourself with happy vibes. Aside from your family, you also have Friends whom you can count on. But of course, make sure to choose friends who are worth it and real.
There are probably things you can’t share with your family that’s why you have your friends with you. Your friends are the medicine for a wounded heart and a shoulder to lean on. So hang out with your friends and make the most of your time. It’s not how much you have but how much you enjoy with them that makes Happiness.

Improve Your Physical Appearance And Mind​

Be your own best friend even when you’re not with someone else.
Spend time pampering yourself with self-care activities such as getting regular manicures and pedicures, enjoy massages, eating healthy foods that would make you look better and healthier than ever before.Wear clothes that would fit into your body well. While you’re single, clothes are not just something to cover your body but also make you look and feel good too.
Stay physically healthy by staying fit both mentally and physically. Take care of your body, exercising regularly.

Focus On Your Career.

Instead of ranting about how unlucky you are in a relationship, why not just focus on your dreams. The harder you work for something, the greater happiness you will feel when you finally achieve it.
Focusing on your career will surely give you more opportunities. Your success is your happiness, so if you really want to be successful, invest in yourself.

Be Open-Minded To New Things.​

Get out of your comfort zone and step into the world where opportunities lie. It’s always better to try something new than to stay in one place or doing the same thing all over again.Take the road less traveled by and be open to new experiences that make your life more fun and exciting!
Don’t let fear stop you from trying or doing anything you want to do.New experiences will make you happy. Every new experience brings another journey in life that has a set of struggles and rewards too.

Achieve Independence.

Being independent could help you in the future compared to dependent people who rely more on a relationship. Happiness should never be completely dependent upon another person. Happiness should depend upon ourselves. It is an empowering feeling, knowing that you can get through life without being dependent on others.

Appreciate Life.

Be thankful and stop complaining.
You will never be happy with what you have until you learn to appreciate it.
Learn how to be contented and appreciate life. Keep in mind that if you are awake, you are blessed because life is a priceless gift, so appreciate every minute.
Appreciate what you have right now because you don’t always get a second chance at it.
Once you start appreciating the little things in life, you’ll be more contented with your life and everything that comes into it

Recognize The Importance Of Perfect Timing.

Timing is everything, most especially in a relationship. Time has indeed a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. Instead of being lonely about your relationship status, why not just remind yourself that there is a perfect time for everything.God is probably writing the best story for you. Just wait on God’s timing and you’ll surely have a better result. Be patient and trust that everything will work out

View Life On The Positive Side.

Beautiful things will indeed happen if you distance yourself from negative vibes. You will live better and longer if you view life from a positive side.
Being optimistic sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Optimism is a happiness magnet, so if you want to be happy in life, stay positive, good things and good people will surely be drawn to you.
Avoid comparison trap,
learn to ignore media depictions of happy couples.Stop saying "I Wish " instead always say 'I Can"

Mahal mo na ako? Aw. HAHAHA
😊 ano bang tanong yan haha :ROFLMAO:


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