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As a painter, your resume should highlight your skills, experience, and achievements in the field of painting. Here are some key points that you may want to include:

1. Skills: Mention the specific skills that you possess in painting, such as sketching, color theory, brush techniques, and utilization of different mediums.

2. Experience: Include your work experience as a painter, whether as a freelancer or as an employee in a painting company. Describe the projects you have undertaken, the clients you have worked with, and the challenges you have overcome.

3. Education: Mention any formal education or training you have received in painting, such as a degree in Fine Arts or a certification from a painting workshop.

4. Awards and Recognition: If you have won any awards or recognition for your work as a painter, be sure to mention that on your resume.

5. Portfolio: Provide a link to your online portfolio, showcasing your latest painting projects.

6. References: Provide references of previous clients or employers who can vouch for your painting skills.

By including these details on your resume, you can present yourself as a skilled and accomplished painter, capable of handling any painting project with ease.

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