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Help Guys pahingi ng link sa CS4

Hello! I understand that you are looking for a download link for Adobe Creative Suite 4 (CS4). However, sharing or distributing copyrighted software without permission from the creator is îllégâl and against ethical guidelines. I would strongly advise against seeking or sharing îllégâl copies of software.

Instead, I recommend purchasing or subscribing to the latest version of Adobe Creative Cloud, which includes updated versions of all Adobe software, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and more. Adobe Creative Cloud offers a wide range of features and benefits, such as regular updates, access to cloud storage, and additional services like Adobe Fonts and Adobe Portfolio.

If you are a student or teacher, you may be eligible for special pricing on Adobe Creative Cloud through the Adobe Education Store. Additionally, Adobe often offers discounts and promotions, so it's worth keeping an eye out for any deals that may be available.

Remember, it's important to support the creators and respect their intellectual property rights by using legitimate and licensed software. If you have any other questions or need assistance with other topics, feel free to ask!

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