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Gundam vs Zoids


Eternal Poster
Jul 6, 2023

Gundam: Cosmic Dragon Omega Eclipse

  • Ultimate Omega Strike: Creates a beam of pure energy that can obliterate anything in its path.
  • Cosmic Dragon Fury: Unleashes a barrage of energy bolts that can immobilize enemies and vaporize entire planets.
  • Dimensional Night Shift: Moves the Gundam through the dimensional planes of existence, making it impossible to track or anticipate.

Zoid: Infinity Chaos Rampage

  • Ultimate Infinity Cannon: Fires a continuous stream of black holes that swallow enemies and split the fabric of space-time.
  • Chaos Blast Vortex: Creates a vortex of chaotic energy that disrupts reality and scatters enemies to the corners of the universe.
  • Infinite Obliteration Slash: Slices through dimensions and realities, leaving nothing but destruction in its path.

The battle between the two massive machines was a showdown of epic proportions. The Cosmic Dragon Omega Eclipse fired its Ultimate Omega Strike, but the Infinity Chaos Rampage effortlessly dodged it and countered with the Ultimate Infinity Cannon, blasting the Gundam with an endless stream of black holes.

Undeterred, the Cosmic Dragon Omega Eclipse unleashed its Cosmic Dragon Fury, overwhelming the Zoid with a deluge of energy bolts that sent it reeling backwards. The Infinity Chaos Rampage responded with its Chaos Blast Vortex, creating a vortex of chaotic energy that almost tore the Gundam apart.

As the two machines battled on, it seemed like there was no clear winner. But in a final gambit, the Cosmic Dragon Omega Eclipse utilized its Dimensional Night Shift, moving outside the bounds of space and time. The Infinity Chaos Rampage was caught off guard and was obliterated by the Gundam's Ultimate Omega Strike.

In the end, the Cosmic Dragon Omega Eclipse stood victorious, having proved that it was the ultimate weapon in the universe.


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