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Trivia Fart-Tastic Facts About Farts That You Should Know

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
✳️99% of a fart is odorless.
Only 1% of a fart is made of hydrogen sulfide, the stuff that smells extremely bad.
The other 99% is non-smelling stuff like carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and methane.

✳️Vegetarians fart more than carnivores.
Well, for the most part anyway. Generally speaking, vegetarians tend to eat more beans than their meat-eating counterparts.
Beans contain carbohydrates made of molecules too large for absorption into the small intestine during digestion.
Because of this, they pass into the large intestine still intact which increases certain bacteria to break them down, producing large amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide gas.

️Although vegetarians may fart more, meat-eaters’ farts smell worse.
Due to the increased sulfur in meat, more hydrogen sulfide is created during digestion when meat is broken down.

✳️Women’s farts smell worse than men’s.
In 2014, a study was conducted by a Flatologist Dr. Michael Levitt, M.D, which found that women produce more hydrogen sulfide during digestion and as a result their farts smell worse.

️Farts can be highly flammable.
This is due to the fact that there’s methane and hydrogen in your farts, both of which are flammable and can be ignited.But don’t worry, you can’t explode by lighting one.

️Farts are faster than hoverboards.
A fart speeds out of you at 3.05 meters a second, that’s 7 miles per hour.
So they might be faster than hoverboards, but the jury is still out on whether or not they’re more flammable.

️The average person farts roughly between 14 – 22 times a day.
That’s 98 – 154 times a week, 392 – 616 times a month and 5,110 – 8,030 times a year.

✳️It’s impossible to go through life without farting
Even if you were to hold them in all day every day, whilst you sleep your body’s natural functions will take over.

️Your farts could smell like roses or chocolate…
In 2014, 65 year old French artist and inventor Christian Poincheval created some pïlls from 100% natural ingredients.
These pïlls aid digestion and make your farts smell like roses or chocolate.

️The scientific term for a fart is “flatulence”
This is derived from the Latin “flatus”, which means “blowing” and “wind”.

excerpt from TheFactSite

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