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Tutorial Do's and Don'ts When Dating

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
Now adays it is harder than ever to meet the right person. With the rise of speed dating events and singles nights it is clear to see that we are looking for all the help we can get with finding ‘the one’. The time seems limited and you are dealing with everyday stresses it’s indeed hard to put your dating cap on and be on your top form, that’s why when you do get the chance you’ve got to make sure you make an impression as it may be your only chance to impress Mr. or Mrs. right.

So here are some tips on dating wouldn’t go a miss for sure to make a good impression as well.

1. DO Turn up on time.​

Imagine that for every minute you are delayed your date will be thinking about how the possibility of them being stood up. You’ll have left them in the restaurant or bar looking at their watch feeling self-conscious about everyone watching them sitting there alone.

2. Don’t talk about how great you are.​

How off-putting.Your date does not, may not want to hear all about you.They want to be listened to, respected and engaged with. There will be plenty of time for them get to know you, just wait your turn and reveal more about you when the time calls for it.

3. DO be interested.​

If you’re meeting for the first time it’s likely you’ll find out a lot about your date that you never knew. Some of it may be of interest to you, some not, but act like you are interested. Think of the effort they have made to tell you things that are important to them and show some interest in what they are saying which often leads to your next point.

4. Don’t keep checking your phone.​

This shows total lack of interest and disrespect to the conversation. If you check your phone you are clearly saying that your phone is more important than the person sitting opposite you. Prepare to get the bus home.

5. DO Listen more.​

We all like the sound of our own voice but when you are getting to know someone and the relationship is in it’s raw phase then quieten and take in what has been said. Speak less and show your interest by listening more.

6. Don’t be under-dressed.​

Being overdressed is far better than turning up looking a scruff. Your date will appreciate the effort you made and if they haven’t made as much of an effort then they will aim to the next time you meet up.

7. DO ask more questions.​

That’s right by now you are so interested in what they are saying that you want to know more. Listen, take in the information and ask questions to prove that what you have heard is computing.

8. Don’t try and be perfect.​

No one is perfect and no one is looking for Mr or Mrs perfect. No relationship is built on perfection so no need to worry if your date doesn’t seem too impressed with your little quirks or silly habits. Your imperfection is what makes you perfect.

9. DO Make eye contact.​

People will assess honesty through eye contact. The more you look away when you are speaking the more dishonest you will seem. You don’t need to stare your date out with your lovers eyes, just know that a better connection will be made if you keep your focus on them.

10. Don’t spend too long talking about past relationships.​

This subject is best mentioned and not elaborated on. Nobody wants to hear how much you loved your ex and how wonderful your life was with them. If you find yourself in the middle of this conversation I suggest you moonwalk out the bar and get a taxi home.

11. DO be honest.​

The relationship between you two will start off in the best possible way if you are totally honest with your date. This is the way I see it. You should always be proud of expressing exactly who you are and what you stand for and if it doesn’t sit well with them then you know that they aren’t the right person for you.

12. Don’t think too far ahead​

Enjoy the moment! Forget what might happen, what could happen and all the variables and just enjoy your date, focus on connecting and being happy in the moment.

13.Do offer to pay for the bill.​

Guys find it attractive if a lady shows intention of paying for the bill. It’s sê×ÿ, and shows that she is able to look after herself, but guys if you are reading this do not let the lady pay on the first date. Take control of the payment as the ladies like the same quality in us.

14. Don’t use cheesy lines.​

You’re not thirteen years old any more so don’t even go there. Cheesy lines should be left to teenagers, movies and people that have no interest in ever dating again. Not wise and not cool, enough said on that one.

15. Do throw in a compliment or two.​

We all love a compliment and I suggest that throwing one in to the conversation will only be a positive move. Keep it simple,clean and say it like you mean it, not just because you are returning a compliment.

excerpt from lifehäçks in dating
hahaaha yan na naman kain ka na kasi ng hapunan kung ano ano na naman iniisip mo aba,haha

pero kung food trip yan pwedi basta maramihan:LOL: may chaperon ako lagi eh
Kakatapos lang kumain kaso kakatayin ko sana yung aso ng kapitbahay ang ingay kasi dito samin hahahahahaahah

Puedeng food trip na rin kainko kanina hahaah
patulong naman yung pusong namatay gustong ulet mabuhay
needed another chance to relieve the pain, left and still broken😝🤣
Ito ang kailangan
Cpr Transplant GIF by NBC


hahaha uy wag kawawa naman ,
Dejk lang loveko din mga aso hehehe