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Tutorial Digital Marketing Mastery 2023


Forum Expert
Aug 5, 2016
Digital Marketing Mastery 2023
Size: 357MB
Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing, including SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and analytics.
What you'll learn
Understand the principles and strategies of digital marketing, including SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and analytics.
Develop a comprehensive digital marketing plan that aligns with business objectives and targets specific audiences.
Learn how to effectively track and measure the performance of digital marketing campaigns, and use data to make informed decisions.
Be able to create and execute high-performing digital marketing campaigns, using a range of tools and platforms to reach and engage target audiences.
Section 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing
Lecture 1 Lecture 1: What is Digital Marketing?
Lecture 2 Key concepts and terminology in digital marketing
Lecture 3 Setting up your digital marketing goals
Lecture 4 Overview of digital marketing and its importance in today's business landscape
Lecture 5 Creating a Digital Marketing Plan
Section 2: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Lecture 6 Understanding how search engines work and how to improve website visibility
Lecture 7 Keyword research and on-page optimization techniques
Lecture 8 Link building and off-page optimization techniques
Section 3: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
Lecture 9 Overview of PPC advertising and how it differs from SEO
Lecture 10 Setting up and managing PPC campaigns on platforms such as Google and Bing Ads
Lecture 11 Remarketing and Retargeting Techniques
Section 4: Social Media Marketing
Lecture 12 Overview of social media platforms and how they can be used for marketing
Lecture 13 Creating and executing social media marketing campaigns
Lecture 14 Measuring the performance of social media marketing campaigns
Section 5: Analytics and Data-Driven Decision Making
Lecture 15 Understanding key analytics and tracking tools such as Google Analytics
Lecture 16 Measuring the performance of digital marketing campaigns
Lecture 17 Using data to make informed decisions and optimize campaigns
Section 6: Digital Marketing Planning and Execution
Lecture 18 Developing a comprehensive digital marketing plan
Lecture 19 Identifying target audiences and creating marketing personas
Lecture 20 Creating high-performing campaigns across multiple digital channels
Section 7: Advanced Digital Marketing Techniques
Lecture 21 Advanced analytics and data visualization techniques
A course that covers the fundamentals of digital marketing, including SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and analytics.


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