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Non-Fiction Civil Service Exam Tips and Reviewers


Forum Master
Sep 10, 2018

Passing Rate​

The Civil Service Examination- Professional and Sub-Professional Levels (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. and COMEX) require a passing rate of 80%.

Review Techniques to Pass the Civil Service Exam​

Here are some techniques to prepare yourself for the examination and ensure your success:

  1. Condition yourself that you have to sufficiently and effectively prepare for the examination through a comprehensive review. It is the first step to boost your chances of passing the exam.
  2. Obtain the official objective list or coverage of the examination you are taking. This CSE-PPT online reviewer should outline the major topics and issues that will be covered. Gather review materials and use the practice tests above to maximize your potential to pass.
  3. Divide review materials to be studied into reasonable-sized study blocks that can be completed in a single-study session setting. Two to three-hour study session is the most effective way to review. This time frame maximizes your attention span without pushing you towards mental exhaustion or fatigue. According to some studies, an average human brain can only have a maximum of 3 to 4 hours of absorption. Beyond that, your brain may experience mental fatigue. Limit the number of study sessions to two (morning and another one in the afternoon or evening with breaks in between).
  4. A month of review is highly recommended. Stop the review a few days before the examination day to give yourself the time to relax.
  5. Reserve some of your study block time periods for self-assessment using the practice tests above to test and evaluate your knowledge and preparedness.
  6. Take time to review more on verbal, numerical and analytical skills for these subjects form a substantial 80% of the Civil Service Exams.
  7. Eat nutritious and You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. to have good memory retention.
  8. Have a good night sleep before the examination and you’re likely to do better. Cramming the night before the exam is a bad idea, for many reasons.
  9. Do not forget to pray and implore for divine guidance, assistance and strength as you go through your review and preparations.


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