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Closed Catholic Origin And Priest *** Abuse!

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Honorary Poster
Nov 24, 2017
ANG PAGSASABI NG KATOTOHANAN AY DI PANINIRA KUNDI PAGTUTUWID: Katolisismo ay nagmula sa Roma noon 313 AD kung saan napalitan ang pagsamba ng mga Kristiano sa pagano at maraming pinapatay na mga kontra sa simbahan noon dahil walang kalayaan sa pagsamba. Ang dala ng mga kastilang espanyol sa bansa ay di tunay na Kristiano kundi PAGANISMO AT MALING MGA ARAL! Sila ang nagdala ng mga diyus diyosan, kuminkim ng ating mga lupain, nagpapatay at nagpahirap sa mga bayani at maraming pinoy at ginahasa ang mga kababaihan DI BA NAKIKITA NAMAN ANG KATOTOHANAN SA PANAHONG ITO? Maging si Jose Rizal na katoliko pero di panatiko ay pinatotohanan ang mga ito sa kanyang aklat laban sa mga Prayle at Pamahalaan sa mga maling turo at pang aabuso nito. Si Rizal na bukas ang isip ay naghahangad ng kalayaan at pagbabago para sa bayan. 80% ng Pilipinas ay mga Katoliko pero di Kristiano. Makikita sa lipunan maraming LASENGGO, PROSTITUTE, CORRUPT OFFICIALS, KRIMINAL, îllégâl DRUGS AT îllégâl NA SUGAL ETC. (Sa panahon ni Cory ang mga Pari at Oligarch ay mas malakas ang kapangyarihan di lang noon). NAKAKALUNGKOT AT PAGBUBULAG-BULAGAN NG MARAMING PINOY TANDAAN NATIN MANANAGOT TAYO AT MAGBIBIGAY SULIT SA DIYOS DI NATIN PWEDENG IDAHILAN ANG RESPETO AT KAMANGMANGAN. Mag aral tayo sa Bibliya at Kasaysayan kaya tayo binigyan ng utak ng Diyos! JESUS IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE... May Langit at may Impyerno. Wag mong hintayin mahuli ang lahat at mapunta ka roon kasama ng mga bulaang tagapagturo. GISING PINOY AT TUMAYO SA KATOTOHANAN. LABANAN ANG KORAPSYON AT KRIMEN. May tanong ka pa? Bibliya ang sasagot Visit Gotquestions Org and Thebereans Net sa Google to see top religious cults profile. Be bless and be inspire watch 700 Club Asia and listen to ED LAPIZ sa YøùTùbé or 702 DZAS. (Our Daily Bread Book Available at RBC Ministry). -BAPTIST CH; EVANGELICAL PH. (PINOY CONSERVATIVE). [ELECTION 2019 VOTE WISELY AND DONT BE ONE SIDED.]
Hmm? I don't believe at all.
But one thing that is still unanswered, until now. That is true. And I'm still asking this to myself. Not just me, but to others who doesn't believe religions.

Who was the God's father?

Kahit i-search sa Google ang tanong, wala pa ring malinaw na sagot sa tanong. In short, wala pa ring proof to answer.

Kung meron man, hindi po siya proven answer, but only inacurate answer.

Who knows? Kahit nga mga pari, pastor, o kahit nga yung Bible di nasagot eh, kayo pa kaya?

That's one of the suspicious question about the religion.

Sorry. Atheist talaga ako.
No offence, peace.

Try to prove me wrong. ;)
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Catholic cults origin: For the first 280 years of Christian history, Christianity was banned by the Roman Empire, and Christians were terribly persecuted. This changed after the “conversion” of the Roman Emperor Constantine. Constantine “legalized” Christianity with the Edict of Milan in A.D. 313. Later, in A.D. 325, Constantine called the Council of Nicea in an attempt to unify Christianity. Constantine envisioned Christianity as a religion that could unite the Roman Empire, which at that time was beginning to fragment and divide. While this may have seemed to be a positive development for the Christian church, the results were anything but positive. Just as Constantine refused to fully embrace the Christian faith, but continued many of his pagan beliefs and practices, so the Christian church that Constantine promoted was a mixture of true Christianity and Roman paganism. Constantine found that with the Roman Empire being so vast, expansive, and diverse, not everyone would agree to forsake his or her religious beliefs to embrace Christianity. So, Constantine allowed, and even promoted, the “Christianization” of pagan beliefs. Completely pagan and utterly unbiblical beliefs were given new “Christian” identities. Some clear examples of this are as follows: (1) The Cult of Isis, an Egyptian mother-goddess religion, was absorbed into Christianity by replacing Isis with Mary. Many of the titles that were used for Isis, such as “Queen of Heaven,” “Mother of God,” and theotokos (“God-bearer”) were attached to Mary. Mary was given an exalted role in the Christian faith, far beyond what the Bible ascribes to her, in order to attract Isis worshippers to a faith they would not otherwise embrace. Many temples to Isis were, in fact, converted into temples dedicated to Mary. The first clear hints of Catholic Mariology occur in the writings of Origen, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, which happened to be the focal point of Isis worship. (2) Mithraism was a religion in the Roman Empire in the 1st through 5th centuries A.D. It was very popular among the Romans, especially among Roman soldiers, and was possibly the religion of several Roman emperors. While Mithraism was never given “official” status in the Roman Empire, it was the de facto official religion until Constantine and succeeding Roman emperors replaced Mithraism with Christianity. One of the key features of Mithraism was a sacrificial meal, which involved eating the flesh and drinking the blood of a bull. Mithras, the god of Mithraism, was “present” in the flesh and blood of the bull, and when consumed, granted salvation to those who partook of the sacrificial meal (this is known as theophagy, the eating of one’s god). Mithraism also had seven “sacraments,” making the similarities between Mithraism and Roman Catholicism too many to ignore. Constantine and his successors found an easy substitute for the sacrificial meal of Mithraism in the concept of the Lord’s Supper/Christian communion. Sadly, some early Christians had already begun to attach mysticism to the Lord’s Supper, rejecting the biblical concept of a simple and worshipful remembrance of Christ’s death and shed blood. The Romanization of the Lord’s Supper made the transition to a sacrificial consumption of Jesus Christ, now known as the Catholic Mass/Eucharist, complete. (3) Most Roman emperors (and citizens) were henotheists. A henotheist is one who believes in the existence of many gods, but focuses primarily on one particular god or considers one particular god supreme over the other gods. For example, the Roman god Jupiter was supreme over the Roman pantheon of gods. Roman sailors were often worshippers of Neptune, the god of the oceans. When the Catholic Church absorbed Roman paganism, it simply replaced the pantheon of gods with the saints. Just as the Roman pantheon of gods had a god of love, a god of peace, a god of war, a god of strength, a god of wisdom, etc., so the Catholic Church has a saint who is “in charge” over each of these, and many other categories. Just as many Roman cities had a god specific to the city, so the Catholic Church provided “patron saints” for the cities. (4) The supremacy of the Roman bishop (the papacy) was created with the support of the Roman emperors. With the city of Rome being the center of government for the Roman Empire, and with the Roman emperors living in Rome, the city of Rome rose to prominence in all facets of life. Constantine and his successors gave their support to the bishop of Rome as the supreme ruler of the church. Of course, it is best for the unity of the Roman Empire that the government and state religion be centered in the same location. While most other bishops (and Christians) resisted the idea of the Roman bishop being supreme, the Roman bishop eventually rose to supremacy, due to the power and influence of the Roman emperors. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the popes took on the title that had previously belonged to the Roman emperors – Pontificus Maximus. Many more examples could be given. These four should suffice in demonstrating the true origin of the Catholic Church. Of course the Roman Catholic Church denies the pagan origin of its beliefs and practices. The Catholic Church disguises its pagan beliefs under layers of complicated theology. The Catholic Church excuses and denies its pagan origin beneath the mask of “church tradition.” Recognizing that many of its beliefs and practices are utterly foreign to Scripture, the Catholic Church is forced to deny the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. The origin of the Catholic Church is the tragic compromise of Christianity with the pagan religions that surrounded it. Instead of proclaiming the gospel and converting the pagans, the Catholic Church “Christianized” the pagan religions, and “paganized” Christianity. By blurring the differences and erasing the distinctions, yes, the Catholic Church made itself attractive to the people of the Roman Empire. One result was the Catholic Church becoming the supreme religion in the “Roman world” for centuries. However, another result was the most dominant form of Christianity apostatizing from the true gospel of Jesus Christ and the true proclamation of God’s Word. Second Timothy 4:3-4 declares, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”



hays.. yeah.. you might be correct! may utak nga tayo, pero di nagagamit.. not just the catholic that fake but all religion, including yours.. and even the God that you are saying is all lie.. Yeah right gising po.. that belief is the most successful scam in the history. iwan ko ba bakit may nag papauto pa. hays 20th century na kaya.
hays.. yeah.. you might be correct! may utak nga tayo, pero di nagagamit.. not just the catholic that fake but all religion, including yours.. and even the God that you are saying is all lie.. Yeah right gising po.. that belief is the most successful scam in the history. iwan ko ba bakit may nag papauto pa. hays 20th century na kaya.

Agree. That's why other people doesn't have any religion. Also kahit wala yun, maunlad pa nga sila eh.

Religion only kill people in life's existence and death of knowledge. That's all.
"Is religion the cause of most wars?"

Answer: To be sure, many conflicts throughout history have been ostensibly for religious reasons, with many different religions involved. For example, in Christianity, there occurred (just to name a few):

• The Crusades — A series of campaigns from the 11th to the 13th centuries with the stated goal of reconquering the Holy Land from Muslim invaders and coming to the aid of the Byzantine Empire

• The French Wars of Religion — A succession of wars in France during the 16th century between Catholics and the Protestant Huguenots

• The Thirty Years' War — Another war between Catholics and Protestants during the 17th century in what is now Germany

This list is by no means exhaustive. In addition to this, one could add the Taiping Rebellion and the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Christianity has certainly been a factor in many conflicts throughout its 2,000-year history.

In Islam, we see the concept of jihad, or “holy war.” The word jihad literally means “struggle,” but the concept has been used to describe warfare in the expansion and defense of Islamic territory. The almost continual warfare in the Middle East over the past half century certainly has contributed to the idea that religion is the cause of many wars. The September 11 attacks on the United States has been seen as a jihad against the “Great Satan” America, which in Muslim eyes is almost synonymous with Christianity. In Judaism, the wars of conquest chronicled in the OT (in particular the book of Joshua) at the command of God, conquered the Promised Land.

The point should be obvious that religion has certainly played a part in much of the warfare in human history. However, does this prove the point made by the critics of religion that religion itself is the cause of war? The answer is “yes” and “no.” “Yes” in the sense that as a secondary cause, religion, on the surface at least, has been the impetus behind much conflict. However, the answer is “no” in the sense that religion is never the primary cause of war.

To demonstrate this point, let’s look at the 20th century. By all accounts, the 20th century was one of the bloodiest centuries in human history. Two major world wars, which had nothing at all to do with religion, the Jewish Holocaust, and the Communist Revolutions in Russia, China, Southeast Asia and Cuba, have accounted for anywhere between 50-70 million deaths (some estimate upwards to 100 million). The one thing these conflicts and genocides have in common is that fact that they were ideological, not religious, in nature. We could easily make the case that more people have died throughout human history due to ideology than to religion. Communist ideology necessitates ruling over others. Nazi ideology necessitates elimination of “inferior” races. These two ideologies alone account for the death of millions, and religion had nothing to do with it. In fact, communism is by definition an atheistic ideology.

Religion and ideology are both secondary causes for war. However, the primary cause for all war is sin. Consider the following Scriptures:

“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures” (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.).

“For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander” (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.).

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.).

“The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time” (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.).

What is the testimony of Scripture as to the primary cause of war? It’s our wicked hearts. Religion and ideology are simply the means through which we exercise the wickedness in our hearts. To think, as many outspoken atheists do, that if we can somehow remove our “impractical need for religion,” we can somehow create a more peaceful society, is to have a mistaken view of human nature. The testimony of human history is that if we remove religion, something else will take its place, and that something is never positive. The reality is that true religion keeps fallen humanity in check; without it, wickedness and sin would reign supreme.

Even with the influence of true religion, Christianity, we will never see peace in this current age. There is never a day without some conflict somewhere in the world. The only cure for war is the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ! When Christ returns as He has promised, He will close this current age and establish eternal peace:

“He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.).

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We should know what is the true and fake religion and what means to be born again as John 3:3 said.

Ang tunay na religion ay puro at dalisay na nagdadala ng katotohanan at purpose sa tao.

Bakit may kasamaan at patayan ito ay dahil na rin sa kasalanan ng tao at mga maling paniniwala at ideolohiya.



We should know what is the true and fake religion and what means to be born again as John 3:3 said.

Ang tunay na religion ay puro at dalisay na nagdadala ng katotohanan at purpose sa tao.

Bakit may kasamaan at patayan ito ay dahil na rin sa kasalanan ng tao at mga maling paniniwala at ideolohiya.

im sorry to say, but if we based on the evidences that god really exists, I know you knew already the answer. The question is, how long you gonna fool yourself?.
im sorry to say, but if we based on the evidences that god really exists, I know you knew already the answer. The question is, how long you gonna fool yourself?.

I hate religions, and hypocrite christians, y'all don't practice what you preach, not even God judged a Prostitute, but you mere people dare to judge and criticize others. How disgusting.

". . ."

Well. That's the point. Yung iba kasi masyadong napauto sa religion eh. Iyon talaga ang problema. At yun nga. Kagaya nila Quibuloy at Eli, ay isa sa mga halimbawa ng banal na hipokrito. Kung mapapansin mo, parang sila na ang anak ng diyos, diba! Aba, seryoso? Ang yabang, ha. Doon palang, magdu-duda na kayo, eh. Jusko.

Isipin ninyo mabuti. May naidulot ba kayo diyan sa mga maling asal? Kung nga si Jose Rizal, di siya naniwala sa relihiyon dahil alam niyo naman ang mga prayle, diba. At obvious naman diba. Sino ang mga prayle na pumilit na pumasok sa kanilang relihiyon dahil iyon ang kanilang batas? Tapos tiwala pa kayo? Eto ang mga tanong.

Sino ba ang dulot ng pagkakaroon ng mga bitay noong panahong iyon? Sino rin ba nagdudulot ng gulo at krimen tulad ng rape, murders at iba pang krimen? Pati pag-korapsyon ng bansa, diba? Kaya nga hinding-hindi nagkakabati ang relihiyon sa politika eh!

Alam ko na hindi kayo naniniwala dahil sa totoo lang ang paniniwalaan ninyo ay ang isa talagang malaking kasinuwalingan. Di lang sa buong history, kundi pati na rin sa buhay natin. In short, na-brainwash talaga kayo. What do you think?

Isa pa. Puro kayo aasa sa diyos. Uunlad ba kaya ang buhay natin? Sige. Try mo mag-stop sa pag-aaral or mag-retire ka sa trabaho mo, tapos subukan mo umasa ng prayers sa kanya na walang ibang ginagawa. May dumating bang himala? Aba, **** naman po.

Katulad ba pag-dadasal mo, may narinig ka bang feedback? Common sense rin po.
Kung nga mga ex niyo, kinalimutan niyo nga eh. Hindi rin kayo naniniwala sa mga sabi-sabi at opinyon. Diyan pa ba kaya?

Magisip-isip rin. Gumising na kayo sa realidad. Huwag kasi talagang umasa sa ganyan. Parang iniisip niyo magkakaroon ng fairytale sa mundo eh. Mas daig niyo pa nga yung baliw eh. Kung iisipin niyo talaga, hindi talaga kapani-paniwala. Wala rin nga naman himala, dahil nagkataon lang talaga. Oo. It's only a coincidence.

Religion is also illogical to believe with such things, and it has no evidence na totoo ang religion. What now?

Any arguments? Sige. Ilabas niyo yung source ninyo na hindi talaga accurate. Ilabas niyo utak niyo sa bible. Tignan natin. Kahit matalino pa kayo diyan, walang matatalo sa totoong realidad. Nasa tao pa rin ang gawa. Thank you.
im sorry to say, but if we based on the evidences that god really exists, I know you knew already the answer. The question is, how long you gonna fool yourself?.
You know what brother using 'fool" word is very sarcastic, you don't know the person behind that name.
Think about it,
Why Christianity and not Judaism?
Why Islam and not Hinduism?
Why monotheism and not polytheism?
Every position(religion) has had its defenders, all as ardent as those in other traditions. Meet half way brother irespeto ang paniniwala ng iba, either may god man yan or wala,
and don't ever used the word "fool"
I hate religions, and hypocrite christians, y'all don't practice what you preach, not even God judged a Prostitute, but you mere people dare to judge and criticize others. How disgusting.

". . ."

Well. That's the point. Yung iba kasi masyadong napauto sa religion eh. Iyon talaga ang problema. At yun nga. Kagaya nila Quibuloy at Eli, ay isa sa mga halimbawa ng banal na hipokrito. Kung mapapansin mo, parang sila na ang anak ng diyos, diba! Aba, seryoso? Ang yabang, ha. Doon palang, magdu-duda na kayo, eh. Jusko.

Isipin ninyo mabuti. May naidulot ba kayo diyan sa mga maling asal? Kung nga si Jose Rizal, di siya naniwala sa relihiyon dahil alam niyo naman ang mga prayle, diba. At obvious naman diba. Sino ang mga prayle na pumilit na pumasok sa kanilang relihiyon dahil iyon ang kanilang batas? Tapos tiwala pa kayo? Eto ang mga tanong.

Sino ba ang dulot ng pagkakaroon ng mga bitay noong panahong iyon? Sino rin ba nagdudulot ng gulo at krimen tulad ng rape, murders at iba pang krimen? Pati pag-korapsyon ng bansa, diba? Kaya nga hinding-hindi nagkakabati ang relihiyon sa politika eh!

Alam ko na hindi kayo naniniwala dahil sa totoo lang ang paniniwalaan ninyo ay ang isa talagang malaking kasinuwalingan. Di lang sa buong history, kundi pati na rin sa buhay natin. In short, na-brainwash talaga kayo. What do you think?

Isa pa. Puro kayo aasa sa diyos. Uunlad ba kaya ang buhay natin? Sige. Try mo mag-stop sa pag-aaral or mag-retire ka sa trabaho mo, tapos subukan mo umasa ng prayers sa kanya na walang ibang ginagawa. May dumating bang himala? Aba, **** naman po.

Katulad ba pag-dadasal mo, may narinig ka bang feedback? Common sense rin po.
Kung nga mga ex niyo, kinalimutan niyo nga eh. Hindi rin kayo naniniwala sa mga sabi-sabi at opinyon. Diyan pa ba kaya?

Magisip-isip rin. Gumising na kayo sa realidad. Huwag kasi talagang umasa sa ganyan. Parang iniisip niyo magkakaroon ng fairytale sa mundo eh. Mas daig niyo pa nga yung baliw eh. Kung iisipin niyo talaga, hindi talaga kapani-paniwala. Wala rin nga naman himala, dahil nagkataon lang talaga. Oo. It's only a coincidence.

Religion is also illogical to believe with such things, and it has no evidence na totoo ang religion. What now?

Any arguments? Sige. Ilabas niyo yung source ninyo na hindi talaga accurate. Ilabas niyo utak niyo sa bible. Tignan natin. Kahit matalino pa kayo diyan, walang matatalo sa totoong realidad. Nasa tao pa rin ang gawa. Thank you.
and why i am the one on qoute?. were on both side here :)
You know what brother using 'fool" word is very sarcastic, you don't know the person behind that name.
Think about it,
Why Christianity and not Judaism?
Why Islam and not Hinduism?
Why monotheism and not polytheism?
Every position(religion) has had its defenders, all as ardent as those in other traditions. Meet half way brother irespeto ang paniniwala ng iba, either may god man yan or wala,
and don't ever used the word "fool"
well, sorry about using that word. its not really my intention to hurt someones feeling, but to educate them to differentiate the right to wrong and correct to mistake. i do respect your religion (belief) , but that was long ago. and i think it is now the right time for us to wake up. Wake up to that heavenly fantasy.
wala nang mapagkakatiwalaan ngayon lahat gumagamit ng ilegal na droga kahit anong simbahan kahit anong organisasyon sa mundo
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