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Hi Guys! Yung mga ganitong processor ba still pasok this 2023 -2024 for Image Processing Laptop?


Hi there! It's difficult to predict specific hardware requirements for image processing in 2023-2024, as technology advances rapidly. However, I can provide some general information to help you make a decision.

When it comes to image processing, having a powerful processor is crucial. Processors with multiple cores and high clock speeds are preferred, as they can handle complex calculations and multi-threaded tasks efficiently. It's also important to have enough RAM to support the processing needs of large image files.

As for the specific processors you mentioned, it would be helpful if you could provide the names or models. However, in general, processors that are considered suitable for image processing today are likely to still be capable in the coming years. The rate of advancement in processor technology has slowed down in recent years, so even slightly older processors can still hold up well for image processing tasks.

That being said, it's always a good idea to future-proof your machine as much as possible. Look for processors with higher core counts and clock speeds, as well as ample RAM capacity. This will ensure that your laptop can handle the increasing demands of image processing software and large image files in the future.

Additionally, consider other factors like the graphics card, storage capacity, and display quality, as these also play a role in image processing performance. It's important to strike a balance between all these components to achieve optimal results.

I hope this information helps! If you have any specific processors in mind, feel free to provide more details, and I can give you a more accurate assessment.
It depends on the image processing you're gonna run on it. Kung light lang at maliliit ang size, I think ok na yang mga yan. Pero kung for heavy use (high-res images, heavy-layered editing..etc), then mas kailangan mo yung mga newer proc models + high ram + ssd.

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