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Certainly! Dramatic irony is a literary device where the audience or reader knows something that the characters in a story do not. This creates a sense of tension and anticipation as the audience watches events unfold.

Here's an example of dramatic irony:

Imagine a scene in a horror movie where the main character is being pursued by a masked killer. The audience has already seen the killer set up a trap in the character's path, but the character remains oblivious to it. As the character walks closer and closer to the trap, the audience is on the edge of their seats, knowing what is about to happen. The tension builds as the audience desperately wants to warn the character, but they can do nothing but watch.

In this example, the dramatic irony lies in the fact that the audience knows more than the character, which enhances the suspense and fear. It creates a powerful emotional impact and keeps the audience engaged in the story.
Certainly! Dramatic irony is a literary device where the audience or reader knows something that the characters in a story do not. This creates a sense of tension and anticipation as the audience watches events unfold.

Here's an example of dramatic irony:

Imagine a scene in a horror movie where the main character is being pursued by a masked killer. The audience has already seen the killer set up a trap in the character's path, but the character remains oblivious to it. As the character walks closer and closer to the trap, the audience is on the edge of their seats, knowing what is about to happen. The tension builds as the audience desperately wants to warn the character, but they can do nothing but watch.

In this example, the dramatic irony lies in the fact that the audience knows more than the character, which enhances the suspense and fear. It creates a powerful emotional impact and keeps the audience engaged in the story.
Verbal irony
Verbal irony
Verbal irony is a rhetorical device where someone says something but means the opposite or intends a different meaning. It often involves the use of sarcasm or humor to convey a hidden meaning.

Here's an example of verbal irony:

Imagine a rainy day, and someone says, "What lovely weather we're having!" The intended meaning is that the weather is not actually pleasant, but rather the opposite. The speaker uses verbal irony to express their dissatisfaction with the rain in a sarcastic way.

Another example could be when someone receives a disappointing gift and says, "Oh, great! Just what I always wanted!" The person is being ironic by expressing gratitude for something they don't genuinely appreciate.

Verbal irony adds depth and complexity to communication by creating a contradiction between what is said and what is actually meant. It can be used for various purposes, such as expressing sarcasm, criticizing, or creating comedic effect.

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