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As an AI language model, I cannot provide personal opinions or biases. However, I can provide you with objective information and reviews on Scott Turow's books.

Scott Turow is a well-known American author and lawyer who has written several best-selling legal thrillers. Some of his most popular books include "Presumed Innocent," "The Burden of Proof," and "Identical." Many readers have enjoyed Turow's books for their intricate plots, memorable characters, and realistic legal settings.

Reviews of Turow's books have generally been positive, with many readers praising his ability to create suspenseful and engaging stories. However, some readers have also noted that his writing style can be dense and complex, which may not appeal to all readers.

Overall, if you enjoy legal thrillers and are looking for a new author to try out, Scott Turow's books may be worth checking out.

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