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To create a new SSID (Service Set Identifier) using the Telnet command line, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a command prompt or terminal window on your computer.
2. Connect to the Telnet server of your wireless access point or router using the Telnet command. The command might be something like telnet (replace the IP address with the actual IP of your access point or router).
3. Enter the username and password when prompted to log in to the Telnet server. This information is usually provided in the user manual or documentation of your device.
4. Once connected, you will have a command line interface to interact with your access point or router. The exact commands can vary depending on the make and model of your device, but the general steps are as follows:
- Enter the appropriate command to enter the wireless configuration mode. This command might be something like wireless or wlan config.
- Use the command to create a new SSID. The command might be create ssid <name> or add ssid <name>, where <name> is the desired name for your new SSID. You can choose any name you want.
- Configure any other necessary parameters for the new SSID, such as security settings (e.g., encryption method, password) or network settings (e.g., IP address, subnet mask).
- Save the changes and exit the wireless configuration mode. The command might be save, apply, or exit.
5. Once you have created the new SSID and made any additional configurations, you can exit the Telnet session by entering the appropriate command, usually exit or quit.

Please note that the exact commands and steps can vary depending on the specific device and firmware you are using. It is important to consult your device's documentation or support resources for the accurate commands and procedures to create a new SSID using Telnet.

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