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Closed 9 Habits happy couples Have but never talk about

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What makes a couple “perfect”? Is it the way they treat each other? Is it the way they complement each other? Or is it the fact that they turn each other’s imperfections into their perfections? First of all, there is no standard of “perfection” when it comes to relationships, every couple can be a happy and perfect couple in their own way, it all depends on what their definition of perfection and happiness is. In my case, the perfection in my relationship is defined by the things we do with each other, things that we are both fully aware of but never mention, because we are so perfectly used to each other and comfortable with each other’s presence that we have just learned to cherish each other’s efforts.
This article is going to be based on my own life and some of the closest people I know, people who are happy in their lives with their partners. This is going to be a list of 9 things or habits happy and strong couples have but never talk about. Let’s begin.

9. They don’t let the outside world affect them
Truly strong and content partners have a very healthy habit of standing by each other no matter what, no matter who comes up against them or tries to stop them, they’ll keep supporting each other without a doubt. The outside world consists of good and evil, more evil than good, some people are going to try to come between you and your partner, they may try planting weird misconceptions in your head about your partner, that is the point where you shun their efforts and keep standing by your partner without any regrets, that is what true love is all about – being there for one another.

8. Complete acceptance
Happy and strong couples are those who completely accept one another without any need for change. Someone who truly loves you for who you are would never try to change anything about you (as long as it’s not a life-threatening habit), they’ll cherish the differences between the two of you, because those differences are exactly why you’re special and they make you the person you are. Your differences are beautiful and they define you as an individual. Short-lived romances die down because of the constant need to “improve” and “change”. True love and long-lasting relationships don’t require any changes.

7. More than enough time without asking for it
Happy couples know how important it is to spend enough time with each other, they will never let each other feel ignored or lonely because they’re always there for one another. Time is one of the most precious gifts in the world, especially in today’s busy world where everyone has tremendous amounts of things to do everyday. But if you can still take out enough time for your partner, even with everything going on in your life, you’re telling them (indirectly) that they mean the world to you and you’ll always be there for them, that’s what true love is all about and that’s what makes a relationship strong and perfect.

6. They listen to one another
Happy partners listen to one another, truly listen to the words and understand them. They listen with patience and speak when they know they need to, that’s the most important part. A strong sense of communication is one of the most vital factors of every long-lasting relationship, couples who have an open level of communication with one another tend to be happier with each other. Don’t just nod your head or say yes even when you don’t even know what they’re talking about, it will hurt them, it will make them feel like no one listens to them, pay attention.

5. No blame games
Strong couples don’t dwell in blame games, they don’t like blaming each other. The key to being a successful partner is to openly accept your mistakes without any blames, if you make a mistake and you know you did something wrong, it befalls on you to make up for it and apologize. If you start blaming your partner, it’ll just lead to a very weak and short-lived relationship which will end up hurting both of you in the end. Don’t play the blame game, accept your mistakes wholeheartedly and learn from your mistakes.

4. Healthy discussions about life’s goals
Healthy and strong couples have a strong level of communication when it comes to talking about life’s goals and dreams. They support one another, in any way they can, just to help them get that much closer to their goals in life and they never stop cheering for each other. I always find my girlfriend rooting for me, uplifting me, doing everything she can for me so I never stop moving forward in life, that’s the fuel that keeps me going, that’s why I love to do what I do because I know I have someone counting on me, that feeling is one of the best feelings in the world. Healthy couples don’t refrain from talking it all out either, because they don’t judge one another.

3. Mutual compromise
Strong couples know that compromise is a big part of every relationship and they compromise for each other without a second thought. I’ve seen couples, sad couples, couples in “one-sided relationships” where one person is making all the sacrifices in order to keep the other person happy, that’s not love, that’s not love at all! If someone truly loves you, they won’t ask you to compromise anything of your own without being ready to give up something of their own too, that’s how love works, one-way compromises never work out in the end, because the person who was compromising this whole time suddenly becomes tired of it all and prefers to be single than to be with that person.
2. They are forgiving towards each other
Strong couples know when to forgive and how to forgive. We are all human, we will make mistakes, we will eventually hurt the people closest to us even though we never wanted to, it just happens. And that’s where forgiveness happens, forgiveness is very important, true love is very forgiving, the person who loves you with all their heart will never think twice before forgiving you, because they just can’t see you feel bad about anything, they just can’t see you in that negative space, that’s what love is all about, to forgive one another.

1. They end arguments properly
One of the worst things you can do in a relationship is to leave an argument hanging in the middle. Let’s face it, everyone argues, I love my girlfriend more than anything in the world, that doesn’t mean we don’t have our usual fights and disputes, it’s because we are two different people who are sharing one life – disagreements are bound to take place. That’s where true love and strength comes in, to end arguments properly. To talk it all out, to not let anything unsaid, to hear each other’s parts and to bring proper closure to the argument, never to be repeated again, that’s what leads to a happy and strong relationship.
Happy inlove :)
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