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Closed 8 truths of life

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Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
We go through life learning as we go. A lot of the things we learn as children and adolescents sometimes take on a fantastical, dreamlike facade that can leave some people ill-prepared for the trials and tribulations that lay ahead in adulthood.

We all learn a lot of hard life lessons through our lives. Some of them are good lessons and some are bad, but at the end of the day, they shape who we are. Here are 8 hard truths about life that will make you stronger and prepare you for all that life throws at you as you continue to grow, whatever your age.

1. Nobody is real in this world except Mother

In this world nobody is this is real for you except your mother. Mother give you extreme love, affection without any condition. She is the only one who sacrifice everything just to give you happiness and smile. Everybody apart from her is fake or have some reason behind in loving you.

2. A poor person has no friends.

Poor person really don’t have any friend in this whole world. Nowadays friendship begins with the money. Almost 80% friendship contains all these matters. Poor person cannot afford weekly parties, dates and so on.

3. People do not like good thoughts they like good looks.

People does not like good thought they believe in the good looks. In almost every industry people always judge you by your looks and if they satisfy with your looks then they go on with your knowledge. Here knowledgeable and really talented person have to struggle alot.

4. People respect the money not the person.

If you have money then people will respect and follow you whether you have talent or not. This is the modern day vision. Money brings you a power and all the people follow the power. These days people work for money not for knowledge. I accept this truth that money is important then also we have to work for knowledge and follow the real talented person not the money.

5. The person you love the most, will hurt you the most.

The person you love the most always hurt you the most. Because you have lots of expectations and as always expectations always hurt you the most. When they can’t fulfill your expectations they you hurt.

6. Truth is simple, But, The moment you try to explain it, It becomes Difficult.

Most easy to understand but most difficult to explain in the world i.e Truth. Why there is need of lying in front of the people. Always be you Speak truth so that you don’t have to explain to anyone.

7. When you are happy you enjoy the music, But, When you are sad, you understand the lyrics.

It’s TURE when we are happy we enjoy music… because we think of that ONE person who make us smile … and is the reason for your happiness…you just rewind and play all the happy moments spent with them…

When we are sad we understand lyrics… because we think of life… what made us lead to this situation….and we remember n rewind about each and everything that hurt u so badly.. and made you sad..

# it’s the same music …same playlist… same song… but only the matter of time…which makes a difference..for SAME person..

8. In Life two things define you “Your patience” when you have nothing and “Your attitude” when you have everything.

“Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.” … Two things to remember. Take care of your … You don’t learn valuable life skills from avoiding life but rather showing up for life everyday ready to take life on with all its challenges and vital life lessons.

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