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10 Tips to Have a Happy Life

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
To have a happy life and loving the world you live you must :

1. Care less about what people say. No matter what you do , people have something to say. Whether you do good or bad, they will have opinions about you. Ignore whatever negativity that they trying to inject on you.

2. Choose your battles. Not all battles are worth your attention. Not everything is worth your time. If you know the better truth, you have nothing to explain.

3. Think positively. Look at the brighter side of everything. Everything will fall in its perfect places.

4. Believe in yourself. Believe in your capabilities. Believe that you can do great things in life.

5. Never compare your progress with anyone. You have your own journey to take. You have different struggles. You will have your time soon.

6. Do not pressure yourself too much. Success takes time. It takes efforts. It takes hard work and commitment.

7. Do not forget to smile. No matter how tough the journey gets, keep on smiling. You do not own all of the problems in the world.

8. Embrace your flaws and imperfections. Accept your past. Correct your mistakes and learn from them.

9. Love yourself. One of the best kinds of love is self-love. You will never go wrong with it. It takes maturity to be on that level. It takes acceptance. It takes being strong.

10. Do good to other people and good karma will happen. Spread kindness. Forgive people. Life is too short to dwell on hatred. Be a catalyst for change.

For me as a person of book I always consider this world is just farm. doing good or bad is like planting and soon when we die we all going harvest what we planted in this farm called world. Opinions and gossip are no place in the hereafter so why we need to listen to those silly things?

Hereafter is endless to live, everything is in there.

So choose a battle that leads you in heaven not a battle that drag you in hell.

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