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Trivia Your feet can give an early warning about serious health problems


Eternal Poster
Jul 30, 2022
People can develop serious foot problems as they age, which puts their health, independence and well-being at risk. Your feet can give an early warning about serious health problems such as diabetes, nerve damage, poor blood circulation and arthritis.

Symptoms of the Feet that Reveal Other Illnesses

Seek medical attention immediately if any of the following make an appearance:
  • If any part of the foot or toes has constant numb areas, the lack of feeling could be an early warning sign of peripheral neuropathy or worse, diabetes, as high sugar levels trigger a numbing response in the nerves of the legs and feet.​
  • Changing shape. If the toes (or fingers) are changing shape, gradually growing rounder and wider, the condition is known as “clubbing” and indicative of lung cancer or heart disease. Other diseases can cause clubbing, but if the change occurs later in life it is most likely a sign of illness and should be checked as soon as possible.​
  • Dry, flaking skin found on the feet and toes could be indicative of a thyroid issue. The thyroid controls the release of certain hormones, the metabolic rate, blood pressure, tissue growth and functions of the nervous system. If using lotion or a salve does not help, then seek a doctor’s assistance. If it isn’t simple athlete’s foot, it could be a sign of something much worse.​
  • Thinning hair on the toes. Hair grows from the top of the foot and on the toes. Balding of the toes could be a sign of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), during which plaque builds up in the arteries of the legs, restricting blood flow which could lead to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, or amputation.​
  • A sore on the foot, predominantly the bottom, that doesn’t heal is a key indicator of diabetes. Raised levels of glucose lead to damage in the tissues of the foot. Some people may attribute the sore to bad shoes, pressure, or friction but it could be indicative of a serious health issue. But if the sore won’t go away or becomes infected and you are in fact diabetic, it could lead to greater health concerns.​
  • An enlarged (and painful) big toe. If you didn’t stub your toe or drop a weight on it at the gym, an enlarged and painful big toe could be indicative of gout. A form of arthritis, gout occurs when uric acid builds up, usually in the joint of the big toe or lower extremities. Gout attacks are often brought on by diets rich in purine (to include red meats, shellfish and certain *******ic drinks). Gout is extremely painful and can be controlled through diet and medication.​


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