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Help Why does the most maximum rainfall has the least probability occurence of precipitation

This is a bit of a tricky question, as it is not entirely clear what is meant by "most maximum rainfall." However, I will do my best to provide an answer based on what I believe the question is asking.

Assuming the question is asking why the heaviest rainfall events (i.e. those with the most precipitation) tend to have the lowest probability of occurring, there are a few factors that come into play.

First, it's important to understand that rainfall is typically generated by the uplift of moist air. This can happen in a number of ways, such as through the convergence of air masses, the lifting of air over topography, or the presence of a weather system like a front or low pressure system. When conditions are right, this uplift can cause the moisture in the air to condense into clouds, which can then produce precipitation.

However, not all conditions are equally conducive to this process. In order for heavy rainfall to occur, there needs to be a significant amount of moisture available in the air, as well as a mechanism for lifting that moisture to generate precipitation. This requires a specific set of atmospheric conditions that are relatively rare and difficult to predict with precision.

Conversely, light rainfall events (i.e. those with lower precipitation amounts) are more common because they can be generated by a wider range of atmospheric conditions. For example, light rain can be produced by the gradual lifting of moist air over a large area, or by the passage of a weak weather system that produces only a small amount of uplift. These types of conditions are more common than the specific conditions required for heavy rainfall events, so light rain is more likely to occur overall.

It's worth noting that this explanation is somewhat simplified and there are many other factors that can impact the occurrence of heavy and light rainfall events (such as topography, seasonality, and climate change), but hopefully it provides a useful starting point for understanding why heavy rainfall events are relatively rare compared to lighter rain.