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To create a UDP script in Ubuntu 18 using an SSH client like Termius, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your SSH client like Termius and connect to your Ubuntu 18 server.
2. Once you are connected, open a terminal window.
3. Type the following command to install the necessary packages for UDP scripting:

sudo apt-get install netcat

4. Once the installation is complete, you can create a UDP script by typing the following command:

nc -u [server IP] [port]

Replace [server IP] with the IP address of the server you wish to send the UDP packet to, and [port] with the port number to which you want to send the packet.

5. You can then send a UDP packet by typing the message you want to send and hitting enter. For example:

Hello, World!

6. The server should receive the packet and display it in the terminal window.

Note: UDP is an unreliable protocol, so it does not guarantee that the packet will be received by the server. If you require reliability, you may want to use TCP instead.

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