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Poems The Beauty and Pain of Life



With a pen in my hand and paper on the desk,
I sit and ponder what to express.
The world around me is full of beauty and pain,
And I know that my words must try to explain.

The sun rises and sets, the stars twinkle at night,
The moon casts its glow in the softest of light.
Nature surrounds us with endless delight,
From mountains and oceans to fields of wildflowers so bright.

But there's also darkness in the depths of our soul,
A place where fears and doubts take hold.
We struggle and stumble, sometimes losing our way,
Our hearts heavy with burdens we carry each day.

Yet still, we go on with strength and with grace,
Holding onto hope and the promise of faith.
For life is a journey that twists and turns,
But it's also a gift that we must learn to earn.

So let us embrace all that this world can give,
The joy and the sorrow, the love and the grief.
For it's through these experiences that we truly thrive,
And find the true meaning of what it means to be alive.

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