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Honorary Poster
Apr 26, 2022
Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 17 which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

A. The early Christians did not keep it

1. They were being judged for not observing…
a. The meat and drink ordinances
b. The feasts of the Lord (holiday)
c. New moon
d. Sabbath days

B. The Seventh-day Sabbath is a shadow of a thing that is to come

a. Weekly Sabbath
b. Unleavened Bread Sabbath
c. Pentecost Sabbath
d. Trumpets Sabbath
e. Day of Atonement Sabbath
f. Tabernacles Sabbath

2. It is preeminently mentioned among the Sabbaths

in Exodus 31:12-17
a. It is one of the Sabbaths
b. It is specifically mentioned c. All the Sabbaths including the Seventh-day Sabbath is the SIGN between God and Israel.

---The Seventh-day

Sabbath is one of the Sabbaths mentioned in Colossians 2:16-17 and Exodus 31:12-17. All the Sabbaths are a shadow of things that are to come and all the Sabbaths are the Sign between God and Israel. Since the Seventh-day Sabbath is included in the above mentioned Sabbaths which are a shadow of things to come, the observance of the Weekly Sabbath has ceased and is not for the Church.

C. The Substance is Christ Christ came not to destroy the law but to FULFILL
1. *********ion is fulfilled in Christ
2. Animal sacrifices is fulfilled in Christ
3. Sanctuary or the Temple is fulfilled in Christ
4. The law is fulfilled in Christ
5. The penalty of breaking the law is fulfilled in Christ
6. The Sabbaths are fulfilled in Christ

D. Christians are complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10-15)
1. *********ed in heart
2. Died in baptism
a. A dead person is no longer under the law
3. New creatures in baptism
a. A new creature is never under Old laws or ordinances.
b. A new creature is under the New Law.
c. A new creature is not obligated to keep the Sabbath which is in the Old Law.
4. The Old Law that is against them was nailed to the Cross.
5. The enemies who use the Law to condemn them were defeated.

---The meat and drink ordinances, the holyday, new moon, and the Sabbath days are the shadow of things to come. Their function and purpose are fulfilled in Christ Who is the Substance of them all. The observance of them as the shadow of things that are to come has ceased for Christ Who is their Substance has come and fulfilled their purpose. The observance of the weekly Sabbath which is among the Sabbaths has also ceased. The Church due to their union in Christ became His Body and being a Body, the Church became the Substance of those things which are shadow.
Accdg to Paul
"Paul clearly states, in this verse, that these kinds of rules are not requirements for saved believers. The passage immediately before this verse explained that Christ removed all sin and penalty through His sacrifice. As a result, there are no possible works we can do, or need to do, in order to be made righteous with God."

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