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Help Portfolio webpage


Eternal Poster
guys paano ba iupload yung gawang webpage sa online para makita ng kaibigan ko salamaat sa makakasagot
Uploading your webpage online can be done in a few simple steps. Here's a general guide on how to do it:

1. Choose a web hosting provider: You'll need to find a web hosting service that suits your needs. Some popular options include Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator. These providers offer different hosting plans at various price points.

2. Register a domain name: A domain name is the web address that visitors will use to access your webpage. You can register a domain name through your chosen web hosting provider or through a separate domain registrar like GoDaddy or Namecheap.

3. Set up your hosting account: Once you've chosen a web hosting provider and registered your domain name, you'll need to set up your hosting account. This usually involves creating an account, selecting a hosting plan, and providing your domain name.

4. Connect your domain to your hosting account: You'll need to connect your domain name to your hosting account by updating the domain's DNS settings. This process can vary depending on your web hosting provider, so it's best to follow their specific instructions. They usually provide a guide or tutorial to help you with this step.

5. Upload your webpage files: After connecting your domain to your hosting account, you can upload your webpage files to the server. This can be done using an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client, which allows you to transfer files between your computer and the server. FileZilla is a popular FTP client that you can use for this purpose.

6. Test your webpage: Once the files are uploaded, you can visit your domain name in a web browser to see if your webpage is live. Make sure to test all the links, images, and functionality to ensure everything is working correctly.

Remember that these steps are a general guide, and the exact process may vary depending on your web hosting provider and the tools they offer. It's always a good idea to refer to the documentation or support resources provided by your hosting provider for more detailed instructions.

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