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Popular Bible Verses #18


Kahel na Buwan
Jul 13, 2021

Isaiah 40:31

King James Version

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Via GPT:

Isaiah 40:31 is a beautiful verse that expresses the power of hope in God. It says, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (NLT)

This verse means that when we trust in God and wait for his help, he will give us new strength and enable us to do amazing things. We can soar on wings like eagles, which means we can rise above our problems and reach our goals with God’s guidance. We can run and not grow weary, which means we can overcome any obstacles and challenges with God’s endurance. We can walk and not be faint, which means we can maintain our focus and confidence with God’s support.

The deeper meaning of this verse is that hope in the Lord is not just a passive feeling or a wishful thinking. It is an active choice and a deliberate action. It is a way of living that aligns our will with God’s will and our actions with God’s purpose. It is a way of trusting that God is in control of everything and that he has good plans for us.

Hope in the Lord also has a spiritual dimension. It connects us to God’s presence and power. It reminds us that we are not alone or helpless, but we have a loving Father who cares for us and provides for us. It inspires us to seek his face and his kingdom first, rather than our own desires or ambitions.

Hope in the Lord is not always easy or comfortable. Sometimes it may seem foolish or unrealistic to others who do not share our faith or vision. Sometimes it may require sacrifice or suffering to follow God’s call or path. But hope in the Lord is always worth it, because it leads to joy and peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

I hope this helps you understand Isaiah 40:31 better. If you want to learn more about this verse, you can check out some of these resources:

  • [The Life-Changing Meaning Of Isaiah 40:31 (you will soar on wings like eagles) - Rethink]
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