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Poe(n)try II

Man of Steel _18

Eternal Poster
Jan 24, 2017
Nothing, Something, Anything and Everything

In the realm of my words, let us embark,

On a journey through the vastness of the dark,

Where nothing and something, a dance they weave,

And anything and everything, their tales conceive.

Nothing, a whisper, unseen and untold,

A void that encompasses both new and old,

A canvas, blank and endless, a mystical void,

Where dreams and hopes, both hide and reside.

Something, a spark in the realms of the known,

The pulse of existence, the seeds of being sown,

A flicker of purpose, a flame in the night,

A glimpse of creation, a glimmer of light.

Anything, a bridge, bridging the divide,

A realm where possibilities faithfully reside,

Where dreams become realities, boundless and wild,

Where the unimaginable is tenderly compiled.

Everything, a symphony of sights and sounds,

A tapestry of life, where wonder abounds,

From the smallest grain to the celestial skies,

Every breath and heartbeat, a precious prize.

In this grand tapestry, where opposites unite,

Where tranquil darkness gives birth to eternal light,

We find the essence of existence, a song so sublime,

The intertwining dance of space and time.

So let us embrace the unknown, in all its grace,

For within nothing, something finds its place,

And within something, anything takes flight,

Until everything unveils its glorious might.

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