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Here are some sample phrases you can use when giving out acknowledgements in a thesis:

1. "I would like to express my sincere gratitude to..."
2. "I am deeply grateful to..."
3. "I would like to extend my appreciation to..."
4. "I wish to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of..."
5. "My profound thanks goes to..."
6. "I am indebted to..."
7. "I would like to thank...for their unwavering support."
8. "I am immensely thankful to..."
9. "I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to..."
10. "I am grateful to have received the support and guidance of..."
Summarize the following


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn. The majority of respondents were adults who were between the ages of 18 and 28, according to the study's findings, which suggests that this age group may be more interested in taking part in studies on environmental impacts. The study also discovered that women made up a sizable portion of the responses, suggesting that women may be more interested in environmental issues and how they affect the tourism industry. Furthermore, it was discovered that a sizable portion of the respondents, 40%, had resided in the area for more than a year, raising the possibility that the study's findings may be more indicative of the opinions of long-term inhabitants in the province of Angono, Rizal. The fact that young adults made up the majority of responders may be related to their propensity to be interested in sustainability and environmental issues. This population may also be more inclined to engage in studies and express their opinions on how actions affect the environment. The fact that women tend to be more interested in environmental issues and sustainable travel may also account for the larger number of female responders. A greater proportion of female respondents who are worried about the long-term consequences of tourism firms on the environment may have been drawn to the survey due to its emphasis on environmental impact. Finally, the respondents' increased awareness of the environmental impact of tourism firms in the province of Rizal may have been influenced by the fact that a sizable portion of them had lived in the area for more than a year. They might have been more inclined to take part in the research and express their opinions as a result.

Based on the study's findings, it can be said that most respondents concur that newly formed tourism enterprises in Angono Rizal may have a negative impact on the environment. Specifically, the study found that the highest mean scores were obtained for the statements that these businesses could cause fire incidents due to the lack of safety hazard, affect the changing agricultural landscape, and result in natural habitat loss. The high level of agreement on these issues suggests that there is a widespread concern among residents about the environmental impact of tourism businesses. The potential for fire incidents and loss of natural habitats can have far-reaching and long-lasting effects on the local ecosystem, and residents may be particularly concerned about these issues due to their direct impact on their daily lives. The loss of regional farming practices and cultural heritage may also be connected to the worries about the changing agricultural environment. Residents may be concerned about the potential deterioration of their regional traditions and customs due to the impact of tourism on traditional farming techniques and cultural assets. Moreover, the reasons why respondents expressed such concerns could be due to a variety of factors, including the perceived lack of regulations or oversight of newly established tourism businesses, the potential for rapid development and expansion of tourism businesses without proper planning or environmental assessment, and the potential for negative impacts on the local environment and quality of life for residents.

When it comes to the perceived environmental implications of recently formed tourism firms in Angono Rizal, the study concluded that there were no significant variations across age and gender. Regarding the number of years of residency, there was, however, a substantial variance. This shows that locals who have lived there for a longer time would be more aware of the potential environmental effects of tourism firms. These findings have significant policy implications for Angono Rizal's tourism enterprises and decision-makers, as they emphasize the importance of consulting with and taking into account the worries of locals who have lived there for a long time while creating new tourism ventures.
The study found that the majority of respondents were young adults who were interested in sustainability and environmental issues, with a larger proportion of women showing interest in environmental issues and sustainable travel. A significant number of respondents had lived in the area for more than a year, indicating that their opinions may be more indicative of long-term inhabitants in the province of Angono, Rizal. The study also found that newly formed tourism enterprises in Angono Rizal may have a negative impact on the environment, with concerns about fire incidents, agricultural landscape changes, and natural habitat loss. These concerns were consistent across age and gender, but residents who had lived there longer were more aware of the potential environmental effects of tourism firms. The findings suggest that decision-makers should consult with and take into account the concerns of long-term locals when creating new tourism ventures.
summarize the following


Based on the findings and conclusions the following recommendations are hereby presented. In conclusion, the study's findings have significant ramifications for recently founded Angono Rizal tourism firms. It is important to think about marketing tactics that will resonate with the bulk of responders, who are between the ages of 18 and 28. Businesses are advised to implement sustainable practices such employing renewable energy sources, cutting waste, and saving water in order to reduce adverse effects. The stark disparity in the number of years spent residing shows how important it is for businesses to interact and communicate with long-term inhabitants in order to comprehend their issues and viewpoints. In order to compare and comprehend the environmental impact of recently created tourism firms in greater detail, further studies may be carried out in additional research environments. Overall, this study is a useful resource for future investigations on the effects on the environment of newly established tourism businesses.
The recommendations suggest that newly founded Angono Rizal tourism firms should consider marketing tactics that appeal to young adults and implement sustainable practices to reduce their environmental impact. It is also important for businesses to communicate with long-term residents to understand their perspectives. Further studies may be needed to fully comprehend the environmental impact of these firms. Overall, this study can serve as a resource for future investigations on the effects of newly established tourism businesses on the environment.

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