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Help Pahingi po ng private dns servers nyo

Hello! Sure, I can help you with finding a US DNS server. DNS servers are responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses, and using a DNS server in a different country can help you access content that is restricted in your region.

Here are a few US DNS servers you can try:

1. Google Public DNS:
- Primary DNS:
- Secondary DNS:

2. OpenDNS:
- Primary DNS:
- Secondary DNS:

3. Cloudflare:
- Primary DNS:
- Secondary DNS:

To use these DNS servers, you need to update the DNS settings on your device or router. The process may vary depending on your operating system or router model, but generally, you can find the DNS settings under the network settings menu.

Keep in mind that using DNS servers in different countries may impact your internet speed due to increased latency. Additionally, some content providers might block access from known DNS servers, so results may vary.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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