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Origins: The Doctrine of The Creation (Genesis 1:1)

Mar 16, 2018
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."


The very first verse of the Bible declares the existence of God. The word "God" in Hebrew is "Elohim," which is a plural noun indicating the triune nature of God. The word "created" in Hebrew is "bara," which means to create out of nothing. This word is only used when referring to God's creative work. The phrase "the heavens and the earth" indicates that everything that exists was created by God.

This passage is interpreted as a key foundational text for understanding the nature of God as the sovereign Creator of all things. This passage emphasizes that God is the source of all existence, and everything that exists is dependent on Him. It also underscores the importance of God's creative work and His sovereignty over creation.

"In the beginning" - The Hebrew word for "beginning" is "reshit," which can also be translated as "firstfruits." This word emphasizes the importance of the beginning and highlights God's sovereignty over creation.

"God" - The Hebrew word for "God" is "Elohim," which is a plural noun indicating the triune nature of God.

"Created" - The Hebrew word for "created" is "bara," which means to create out of nothing. This word emphasizes God's power and sovereignty over creation.

"Heavens" - The Hebrew word for "heavens" is "shamayim," which can refer to the physical heavens or the spiritual realm.

"Earth" - The Hebrew word for "earth" is "erets," which can refer to the entire planet or just the land.

Significance in Historical Redemption

This passage is significant in the history of redemption because it establishes God as the Creator of all things. It emphasizes that everything that exists is dependent on God and that He has ultimate authority over all things. This passage also sets the stage for the rest of the biblical narrative, which reveals God's plan of redemption for His people.

The creation account in Genesis is echoed throughout the rest of Scripture, highlighting the central role of God as Creator. In Psalm 33:6-9, the psalmist declares that "by the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host." In Colossians 1:16, Paul writes that "by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him."

Relevance to the Overarching Biblical Theology

The existence and nature of God as Creator is a foundational theme throughout the Bible. The Bible reveals God as the sovereign Creator who is intimately involved in His creation. God's creative work is central to His plan of redemption, as seen in the creation of humanity and the promise of a new creation.

The Bible also reveals the triune nature of God, as seen in the use of the plural noun "Elohim" in Genesis 1:1. This emphasizes the unity and diversity within the Godhead and highlights the importance of each member of the Trinity in the work of creation and redemption.

Application to Daily Life

  • Recognize God's sovereignty over creation and submit to His authority.
  • Appreciate the beauty and wonder of God's creation and give Him glory for it.
  • Seek to understand God's nature and character through His creative work.
  • Use the doctrine of creation to combat false worldviews that deny God's existence and sovereignty.
  • Live with a sense of purpose and meaning, knowing that we were created by God for His glory.
Suggested Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank you for creating us and for your sovereignty over all things. Help us to appreciate the beauty of your creation and to give you glory for it. Teach us more about your nature and character through the work of your hands. Use the doctrine of creation to strengthen our faith and to combat false worldviews. Help us to live with a sense of purpose and meaning, knowing that we were created by you for your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Discussion Questions

  • What does the doctrine of creation teach us about God's nature and character?
  • How can we use the doctrine of creation to combat false worldviews?
  • Why is it important to recognize God's sovereignty over creation?
  • How does the doctrine of creation give us a sense of purpose and meaning?
How can we appreciate the beauty of God's creation in our daily lives?

"Genesis 1 is a controversial chapter. Debates rage about the meanings and implications of many words. How long ago did God create? How exactly did He create? What were His methods? Much has been written to discuss, debate, and illuminate those questions. The primary debate is over the extent to which Genesis 1 is meant to be read as symbolism and poetry, versus being read as unvarnished narrative"

"Genesis 1 is a controversial chapter. Debates rage about the meanings and implications of many words. How long ago did God create? How exactly did He create? What were His methods? Much has been written to discuss, debate, and illuminate those questions. The primary debate is over the extent to which Genesis 1 is meant to be read as symbolism and poetry, versus being read as unvarnished narrative"
If you don't believe in the literal 6-day creation, that's your problem. One day you will face God, you will answer everything in front of His throne! I hope you change your position while you can.
Yes. My name is Bon not lods. You can be kind enough to call people by their name. :)
OK Bon, sorry I didn't know.
FYI, "lods" is just another form of "lodi", reverse of idol. It is not disrespectful at all and is in very common use. I didn't presume to be on a first name basis with you since this is mostly an anonymous forum.
If you don't believe in the literal 6-day creation, that's your problem. One day you will face God, you will answer everything in front of His throne! I hope you change your position while you can.
Inciting fear is not a valid form of response to make your statements true. I will respond to your claims here in due time... Bon not lods..
I have been thinking of posting something about exactly about this topic.
I am not Inciting fear. I'm just telling the truth.

If the bible cannot convince you, no one can.

But you should be afraid!​

Romans 1:18-23 (ESV)

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.

wrath. The divine Judge’s righteous retribution and personal revulsion evoked by moral evil.

is revealed. God’s judgment is not limited to the future; His antagonism to sin is already shown in the world. Its effects are visible even now.

ungodliness and unrighteousness. The order may be significant—since moral decay follows theological rebellion. Or Paul may be using the two words together to express one idea, wicked ungodliness.

suppress the truth. It is not that the truth is sought but cannot be found, but rather that, confronted with the truth (which is “clearly perceived,” You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.), fallen humanity seeks to hinder and obstruct its influence, and is therefore “without excuse” (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.). The “excuse” in view is an appeal to ignorance.

19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.

what can be known about God. Paul stresses the reality and universality of divine revelation, which is perpetual (“since the creation,” You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.) and perspicuous (“clearly perceived,” You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.). Divine invisibility, eternity, and power are all expressed in and through the created order (see “General Revelation” at You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.). The invisible God is revealed through the visible medium of creation. This revelation is manifest; it is not obscured but clearly seen.

20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

1: 20 Since his invisible things.
God is in Himself invisible; but as His majesty shines forth in His works and in His creatures everywhere, men ought in these to acknowledge Him, for they clearly set forth their Maker: and for this reason the Apostle in his Epistle to the Hebrews says, that this world is a mirror, or the representation of invisible things. He does not mention all the particulars which may be thought to belong to God; but he states, that we can arrive at the knowledge of His eternal power and divinity; for He who is the framer of all things, must necessarily be without beginning and from Himself. When we arrive at this point, the divinity becomes known to us, which cannot exist except accompanied with all the attributes of a God, since they are all included under that idea.

So that they are inexcusable. It hence clearly appears what the consequence is of having this evidence — that men cannot allege anything before God’s tribunal for the purpose of showing that they are not justly condemned. Yet let this difference be remembered, that the manifestation of God, by which He makes His glory known in His creation is with regard to the light itself, sufficiently clear; but that on account of our blindness, it is not found to be sufficient. We are not however so blind, that we can plead our ignorance as an excuse for our perverseness. We conceive that there is a Deity; and then we conclude, that whoever he may be, he ought to be worshipped: but our reason here fails, because it cannot ascertain who or what sort of being God is. Hence the Apostle in Hebrews 11:3, ascribes to faith the light by which man can gain real knowledge from the work of creation, and not without reason; for we are prevented by our blindness, so that we reach not to the end in view; we yet see so far, that we cannot pretend any excuse. Both these things are strikingly set forth by Paul in Acts 14:16, when he says, that the Lord in past times left the nations in their ignorance, and yet that he left them not without witness since He gave them rain and fertility from heaven. But this knowledge of God, which avails only to take away excuse, differs greatly from that which brings salvation, which Christ mentions in John 17:3, and in which we are to glory, as Jeremiah teaches us, Jeremiah 9:24.

21 For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

knew God. Here Paul stresses that humanity not only has the opportunity to know God through general revelation but that the revelation yields real knowledge. Humanity’s sin is the individual refusal to acknowledge what is already known to be true. While knowing God, people refuse to honor Him as God or give thanks to Him. The consequence of rejecting God was that their minds and hearts grew dark. A refusal to honor God leads all intellectual pursuits to frustration.

22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

1:22, 23 Claiming to be wise, they became fools . . . exchanged the glory of the immortal God.
Intellectual arrogance before God displays a reversed sense of values; the worship of God is exchanged for devotion to man-made and man-reflecting idols. The indelible instinct to worship is perverted by being centered on the wrong object such as own success, material gain, or even himself.

1:22 While they were thinking. It is commonly inferred from this passage, that Paul alludes here to those philosophers, who assumed to themselves in a peculiar manner the reputation of wisdom; and it is thought that the design of his discourse is to show, that when the superiority of the great is brought down to nothing, the common people would have no reason to suppose that they had anything worthy of being commended: but they seem to me to have been guided by too slender a reason; for it was not peculiar to the philosophers to suppose themselves wise in the knowledge of God, but it was equally common to all nations, and to all ranks of men. There were indeed none who sought not to form some ideas of the majesty of God, and to make him such a God as they could conceive him to be according to their own reason. This presumption I hold is not learned in schools, but is innate, and comes with us, so to speak, from the womb. It is indeed evident, that it is an evil which has prevailed in all ages — that men have allowed themselves every liberty in coining superstitions. The arrogance then which is condemned here is this — that men sought to be of themselves wise and to draw God down to a level with their own low condition when they ought humbly to have given him his own glory. Paul holds this principle, that none, except through their own fault, are unacquainted with the worship due to God; as though he said, “As they have proudly exalted themselves, they have become infatuated through the righteous judgment of God.” There is an obvious reason, which contravenes the interpretation which I reject; for the error of forming an image of God did not originate with the philosophers; but they, by their consent, approved of it as received from others.

23 And exchange. Having feigned such a God as they could comprehend according to their carnal reason, they were very far from acknowledging the true God: but devised a fictitious and a new god, or rather a phantom. And what he says is, that they changed the glory of God; for as though one substituted a strange child, so they departed from the true God. Nor are they to be excused for this pretense, that they believe that God dwells in heaven and that they count not the wood to be God, but his image; for it is a high indignity to God, to form so gross an idea of his majesty as to dare to make an image of him. But from the wickedness of such a presumption, none were exempt, neither priests, nor statesmen, nor philosophers, of whom the most sound-minded, even Plato himself, sought to find out some likeness of God.
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U-uh. Respect na lang sa paniniwala. Ang ibig sabihin pala ay naniniwala ang thread starter sa literal interpretation as in literal. Yung truth is subjective siya. Hindi siya objective.

I beg to disagree!

...yet , subjective po ang truth based on beliefs. Hindi naman siya objective. Faith lang po siya kaya nasasabi na truth.​
Your faith doesn't change the truth!

...yet , subjective po ang truth based on beliefs. Hindi naman siya objective. Faith lang po siya kaya nasasabi na truth.​
It doesn't matter what you believe the truth stays absolute.
I beg to disagree!

Your faith doesn't change the truth!

It doesn't matter what you believe the truth stays absolute.​

Talaga? Meron din ako faith. Pero hindi diyan sa itinutukoy mo. Deist ako and so iba ang faith ko about concept of God na meron sa akin and so , sabi mo nga , truth stays absolute and so iba ang truth sa akin.​

...yet , subjective po ang truth based on beliefs. Hindi naman siya objective. Faith lang po siya kaya nasasabi na truth.​
To make it easier for you, I will give you some examples.

How about this:

  1. Laws of physics: Fundamental laws governing the behavior of the physical universe, like the law of gravity or laws of thermodynamics.
  2. Conservation of energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.
Can you say that these truths are relative?

The same with the Word of God, they are absolute! You can refute all you want, but it doesn't change its truthfulness regarding what it claims.

People in the past are trying to refute the truthfulness of the bible, they all died, but the Bible is still being used in the world of Christianity. You will die in 70-80 years, but the truth about God will never die with you.

What I am saying is that, the Word of God--the Bible still holds what it claims to be--it is the highest in its degree of truthfulness!

Talaga? Meron din ako faith. Pero hindi diyan sa itinutukoy mo. Deist ako and so iba ang faith ko about concept of God na meron sa akin and so , sabi mo nga , truth stays absolute and so iba ang truth sa akin.​
Let me ask you a question. When you die, will you spend your eternity in heaven or in hell? Can you say with full conviction that you will have eternal life fellowshipping with God of the Bible?

If not! I suggest you repent and believe in the Gospel of Christ. He is the only way to salvation for your soul!
If the bible cannot convince you, no one can.
The Bible does not convince people of anything. It is merely a written text. It is the zealots of religion who tries to convince people using the bible..

Interestingly, you can also use the bible to keep away from this lying religions. They are literally what the bible described as Anti-christ.
The Bible does not convince people of anything. It is merely a written text. It is the zealots of religion who tries to convince people using the bible..

Interestingly, you can also use the bible to keep away from this lying religions. They are literally what the bible described as Anti-christ.
Can you cite in the bible what you are talking about?

"bible described as Anti-christ."

It's funny, people trying to refute me are hiding behind their masks. Show yourselves. Place your links where I can go to your social media and get to know you.

OK Bon, sorry I didn't know.
FYI, "lods" is just another form of "lodi", reverse of idol. It is not disrespectful at all and is in very common use. I didn't presume to be on a first name basis with you since this is mostly an anonymous forum.


I intentionally put my name here so I should be called by my name. I am not hiding my identity like the rest of the people here too cowardly to let their identity be known.

The Bible does not convince people of anything. It is merely a written text. It is the zealots of religion who tries to convince people using the bible..

Interestingly, you can also use the bible to keep away from this lying religions. They are literally what the bible described as Anti-christ.

Oh really, the Bible does not convince people to believe? How about this?

John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on Him.

John 20:31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.​



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I intentionally put my name here so I should be called by my name.
Bon, again, I did not see your name, just the bible verse.

Even if you already posted it and I saw it, social norms usually call for familiarity first, before talking on a first name basis. I don't think you can insist that I should have called you by name, just because it was already there. That would be presumptuous of me. Now that you have stated we can use your name, then yes, OK, Bon.

I am not hiding my identity like the rest of the people here too cowardly to let their identity be known.
I'm not sure you understand that in this forum there are a lot of things being discussed that are not totally legit, so there's a necessity to be anonymous. We are not hiding and being cowardly, just being practical.

Look around, there are Internet bypasses, copyrighted media, etc. If you exclusively post here in Trad n Belief, then OK, you can be open. But if you use those "methods" or "media", then it would be impractical to be open about your identity.
I intentionally put my name here so I should be called by my name. I am not hiding my identity like the rest of the people here too cowardly to let their identity be known.
Inexplain nmn sayo ng tao na typical dito ang tawagan na lods, because it is rare for anyone to use their real name for privacy reasons. Then you come around calling people cowards? Okay ka lang? You are one condescending mf... whew..

Anyway, I will give you the bible explanation of christians being antichrist. Pero bago yan, ano ang biblical basis mo paniwalaan literally ang creation myth? Why do we not have the same discussion kung literal ding totoo ang mga parables? I mean the Bible is capable of using metaphors... and the Bible did not claim at all that it is wrong for the creation myth to be taken as metaphors..
Bon, about what you stated here below:

"How about this:

  1. Laws of physics: Fundamental laws governing the behavior of the physical universe, like the law of gravity or laws of thermodynamics.
  2. Conservation of energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.
Can you say that these truths are relative?"

I agree that the laws of physics are immutable, you can't violate them. How then can God create the universe and everything in it in 6-7 days? Any scientist will tell you that billions of years have passed for us to reach our current state.

God would have violated the laws of physics if he shortened "creation" into 6-7 days, wouldn't he?

Truth is truth, it is absolute! How can it be called truth if it can be relative?
It seems that you are excluding other holy books, not to mention other belief systems that aren't book-based.

All that you stated can also be stated to you by a Muslim and basing his/her readings on the Koran, or a Hindu from the Bhagavad Gita, and so on and so forth. Would you like them to call their "truths" as the "absolute truth"? Which book has claim to the absolute truth?

Also, why do you believe in the Bible? Did it speak to you directly? Or was it interpreted by you or by a Pastor/Priest/Holy Man? Isn't it folly to rely on human interpretation? All humans are fallible (except the Pope, Catholics would say.) Shouldn't the Bible or any holy book explain itself, by itself, without passing through fallible human interpretations?
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Bon, about what you stated here below:

"How about this:

  1. Laws of physics: Fundamental laws governing the behavior of the physical universe, like the law of gravity or laws of thermodynamics.
  2. Conservation of energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.
Can you say that these truths are relative?"

I agree that the laws of physics are immutable, you can't violate them. How then can God create the universe and everything in it in 6-7 days? Any scientist will tell you that billions of years have passed for us to reach our current state.

God would have violated the laws of physics if he shortened "creation" into 6-7 days, wouldn't he?

It seems that you are excluding other holy books, not to mention other belief systems that aren't book-based.

All that you stated can also be stated to you by a Muslim and basing his/her readings on the Koran, or a Hindu from the Bhagavad Gita, and so on and so forth. Would you like them to call their "truths" as the "absolute truth"? Which book has claim to the absolute truth?

Also, why do you believe in the Bible? Did it speak to you directly? Or was it interpreted by you or by a Pastor/Priest/Holy Man? Isn't it folly to rely on human interpretation? All humans are fallible (except the Pope, Catholics would say.) Shouldn't the Bible or any holy book explain itself, by itself, without passing through fallible human interpretations?
Actually, the Bible can speak for itself (not literally audible) regarding its authenticity.

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