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Stories It Started in the Rain


Eternal Poster
Feb 11, 2021

It Started in the Rain
MGL Emvie

We choose the nearest window seat in the bus to get the full view of the ocean. The past month stressed our minds and body at work, and Hanabi thought that the beautiful sparkling of the ocean could mend our tiredness. The cold mornings and the rains in the past weeks tried to calm our sleepless nights but our jobs kept increasing. Hanabi however, managed to notice the ear to ear smile in my face.

"Kag, did you eat something funny? Your smile looked kinda creepy." she said.

"Ah~~ Yesterday, while I am on my way home, I met a cute boy on the road." I replied.

Hanabi pinched me in the side and exclaimed. "Kag is in love! Tell me about this boy."

"I didn't get a full sight in his face because he wore a mask... Kinda similar to your mask."

"Then how did you know he's cute?"

"Look at the ocean. His eyes is as charming as the sparkles of the sea. Her hair were neat, so cute and rigid, but at the same time it feels gentle."

"What did he say?"


"Nothing?!" Hanabi exclaimed.

"I was waiting in the side of the road, cold and alone, when suddenly the rain poured hard. I stared at the traffic light, thinking if I should make a run for it but the light was still blinking red. I glanced left and right and saw no vehicles nor heard one coming so I understand that I will make a run for it. And as I was about to take a step, I heard a creasing of a chain drive."

"...of bicycle? He must be---"

"Yes---" I said in a daydreaming tone. "He was rushing amidst the heavy rain. He was riding towards me but I doubt that he noticed me when he turned from the corner. The wind was playing tug of war with him through his umbrella."

I turned to the side of my bus seat, and pulled an umbrella. "This is his umbrella."

"You have his umbrella?" Hanabi was surprised. She took the umbrella and said, "This looked familiar. It's the same as my umbrella. We must have bought umbrella at the same store. He must live nearby, but how did you get this?"

"He stopped before the pedestrian lane, where I was waiting. He rested there for like twenty seconds..."

"I thought you're going to make a run for it."

"I thought so too. I think that's what getting lovestruck means. I just couldn't take off my eyes off of him."

"Must be cute enough for you to say that." Hanabi said while leaning the umbrella on the bus wall under the window.

"He didn't turned his face but he rolled his eyes towards me. And just before the rain could soak my hair, he stretched his arms at me with that umbrella."

"How sweet! But that would mean he's in trouble. Yesterday, it rained so hard."

"Not a single vehicle crossed our path but we---"

Hanabi chuckled. "Oh, the traffic light. What a law-abiding citizens!" she said.

"Not really. The instant I grabbed the umbrella, he hurried away. Our hands touched, and I thought electricity jolted in my fingers, reaching my elbows, to my shoulders, and to my heart. It froze my brain but it's so nice. The feeling could only be described in the tongues of angels. We should've waited until it last but he hurried away.

"Well, you can't blame him. It's raining hard." Hanabi said.

"Do you think he will like me?"

"I doubt there's a man in this world who won't fell victim in your charm. If this boy is dense enough to not get charmed in your beauty, I will break all two hundred of his bones so he will recover his correct senses."

"I'm lucky to have a supportive bestie like you, Bii."

The bus decelerated and a voice in the bus's speakers announced their arrival at a terminal station. "We'll wait five minutes. Please give way to new passengers, and passengers who're about to leave, please look after your belongings. Thank you!"

The sun rays were calming and warm, but the skies gave little sprinkles now and then. The heavens were filled with dirty clouds but nimbus clouds predominates the skies in the east. A downpour might come in the next hours but might only last for several minutes.

"Hanabi!" a call coming from the direction of bus exit echoed.

Hanabi stood, while I peeked in my seat and turned my head at the direction.

"You!" I and the person, who just called, exclaimed at the same time.

"We meet again!" he said.

"Kag, don't tell me..."

"Yes, he's the boy."

"He's Hayabusa, my brother. Hey, why did you take the bus?" Hanabi said.

He's my bestie's brother? Should I be happy? Embarrassed? I don't know.

Hayabusa took the seat next to me and said, "Did invisible mosses grow in the roads? The roads are unusually slippery. I hit a post and break my bicycle yesterday while I'm in a hurry.

"Oh right. Bro. I believe this is yours." Hanabi said, returning Hayabusa's umbrella.

I felt disheartened. I want that umbrella. The gift of someone I admire. I want to speak up but words choked me in the throat. I hate this tongue for freezing and molding no words. I was silent. My ears and cheeks were burning.

"Right. This... I gave this to her yesterday. It's hers. But what a surprise that you knew each other." Hayabusa said.

Is it his voice? The tune that calm my nerves? But why do my chest thump as though it's about to burst?

My chest fluttered. I accepted the umbrella.

Hanabi, in a forceful but smooth strict voice, replied, "Kagura's my bestie. So Hayabro, you shall make her happy."

"Huh!" I cried. The tense in my veins drifted in my voice.

"Oh you're single? Then this is a lucky day!" Hayabusa said.


Author's Note: "Thanks for reading! Let me write much more interesting and beautiful stories. Tell me your opinions, constructive criticism, and thoughts about this story. Comment which parts are funny, boring, and interesting. Finally, give me idea if this story became relatable in your life experience. Enjoy!

To my PHC readers, I love that you react in the story that I thought so hard to write. But please, I wish for you to comment your thoughts other than "thanks." Your comment, positive or negative, will be welcomed and it will inspire me to write more and improve even better. Long live the readers! Let's train our minds and imagination!


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